Easy english - 13.01.08 학습
1. Speaking Drill
see if ~ : ~인지 아닌지 보다
I was calling to see if I could catch a ride with you.
I'll see if I'm free.
I'll see if I can come with you that day.
Please look in your book bag and see if you have an extra pen.
room for ~ : ~가 들어갈 공간
There's room for one more.
My closet has room for all my clothes.
The business class seat had room for me to stretch out my legs.
Is there room for me at your apartment or should I stay in a hotel?
pay for ~ : ~에 대한 돈을 내다, 지불하다
I'll be happy to help pay for gas.
I paid for it.
You will pay for what you did.
I will be happy to pay for your dinner.
2. Model Dialogue
(on the phone)
Mack: Hey, is this Sean?
Sean: Yeah, You're Mack, right?
Mack: Right. I was calling to see if I could catch a ride with you.
Sean: Why not? I carpool with Jay and Henry but there's room for one more.
Mack: I'll be happy to help pay for gas.
Sean: Great! Just text me your address and I'll pick you up at 7:30 am.
Mack: You got it.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
catch a ride: (차에) 타다
carpool (with): 카풀을 하다
room: 공간, 자리
pay for ~: ~에 대한 돈을 내다
gas: 가스, 기름
text: 문자 메시지를 보내다
pick ~ up: ~를 태우다
closet: [ˈklä-zət, ˈklȯ-] 옷장
clothes: [ˈklōz also ˈklōthz] 옷
the business class seat: 비즈니스 클래스 좌석
stretch out: 손발을 뻗다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
p와 f의 소리를 구별해서 발음연습
> [p]: 윗 입술 아랫 입술을 붙인 상태에서 때면서 바람을 내보냄
> [f]:윗니를 아랫입술에 닿으면서 바람을 내보냄
Who's going to pay?
I'm so proud of you.
It has similar pattern.
Don't be afraid to fail.
I got up at five-thirty.
Is this enough?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 나는 두 사람이랑 카풀을 해요.
Step 1: I carpool with two persons.
Step 2: 나는 두 사람이랑 카풀을 하는데, 자리가 있어요.
Step 2: I carpool with two persons but there's room...
Step 3: 나는 두 사람이랑 카풀을 하는데, 한 사람 더 들어갈 자리가 있어요.
Step 3: I carpool with two persons but there's room for one more.
6. 짤막 Tip
help ~
> '~하는 데 도움을 주다' 라는 뜻
> help pay
(돈을 내는 데 도움을 주다, 돈을 좀 보태 주다)
> help carry
(같이 들어 주다)
help 누구 with 무엇
> '누구의 ~을 돕다' 라는 뜻
help 누구 to ~
> '누가 ~하는 것을 돕다' 라는 뜻
7. Comments & Practice
come with you
= go with you
see if
= check
room for
= space (공간, 여유)
I was calling to ~
= I am calling to ~
catch a ride
catch a movie
> catch 약간 가벼운 느낌, 친한 친구사이에서 사용
why not?
>(동의를 나타내어) 왜 아니겠어?[거 좋지.]
> (비격식) 좋아, 좋다(제안에 찬성・동의를 나타냄)
I'll be happy to ~
> 기꺼이 ~할께
You got it.
> (의뢰·요구에 답하여) 알았소, 좋소; 마음대로 하시오
> 본문에서 Sean이 주소를 알려줘라는 요구에 대한 응답으로
> "알았어 보낼께, 내일 아침 늦지마!" 정도에 대한 응답으로 이해하면 됨
8. 외워야 할 표현
I'll see if I'm free.
Why not?
You got it.
I'll be happy to help pay for gas.
(기름값을 좀 보탤게요.)
Who's going to pay?
(누가 돈을 낼 거야?)
9. Homework
pay for