Easy english - 13.05.10 학습
1. Speaking Drill
treat : 사다, 대접하다
So, you're treating me?
Who's going to treat?
It's my turn to treat.
It's on me. You treated me last time.
taste ~ : 맛이 ~하다
Oh, this ramen tastes really good.
It tastes out of this world.
What's wrong with it? It tastes weird.
Don't eat it. It tastes a little bit yucky.
spill ~ on ... : ~를 ...에 쏟다
You spilled ramen on you legs!
Oh, I spilled coffee on my skirt.
Sorry, I spill soup on you pants.
Hey, you just spilled some water on my dress.
2. Model Dialogue
Barbara: Are you ready to order, Jake?
Jake: So, you're treating me?
Barbara: Yes, today is my payday.
Jake: Wow, there is so much on the menu here.
Barbara: The cheese ramen here is great.
(after a while, eating)
Jake: Oh, this ramen tastes really good. Oops!
Barbara: Are you okay? You spilled ramen on your legs!
3. Vocabulary & Listening Tips
ready: 준비가 된
order: 주문하다
treat: 사다, 대접하다
payday: 월급날
taste: 맛이 ~하다
spill: 쏟다, 흘리다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> ch로 끝나는 단어의 발음에 /이/ 소리를 넣어서 발음하지 않고, 자음으로만 끝날 수 있도록 연습
Did you have lunch?
I need to buy a new watch.
What a perfect match!
How can I reach you?
Nice catch!
Let's sit on the bench.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 내가 사는 거야.
Step 1: I'm treating you.
Step 2: 오늘 ~라서 내가 사는 거야.
Step 2: I'm treating you because today is...
Step 3: 오늘 내 월급날이라서 내가 사는 거야.
Step 3: I'm treating you because today is my payday.
Step 4: 내가 너한테 근사한 저녁을 살 일이 있어서 내가 오늘 사는 거야.
Step 4: I'm treating you today because I owe you a fancy dinner.
6. 짤막 Tip
treat의 쓰임
> '누구에게 먹을 것이나 마실 것을 사다' 라는 뜻
> I'm treating.
> I'm treating you.
(내가 살께.)
> Are you treating me?
(네가 사는 거야?
> You're treating me today?
(오늘 네가 쏘는 거지?)
> treat 누구 with 무엇: 구체적으로 누구에게 무엇을 사는지 말할 때
> She treated us with good food.
(그녀가 우리에게 맛있는 음식을 대접했다.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Who's going to treat?
It's my turn to treat.
It's on me. You treated me last time.
It tastes out of this world.
What's wrong with it? It tastes weird.
Don't eat it. It tastes a little bit yucky.
Hey, you just spilled some water on my dress.
today is my payday.
Wow, there is so much on the menu here.
Did you have lunch?
What a perfect match!
How can I reach you?
9. Homework