Easy english - 13.05.20 학습
1. Speaking Drill
wash ~ with ... : ~를 ...로 씻다
Do I need to wash my face with a foam cleanser after using this?
Don't wash your hair with soap.
Is it okay to wash my baby with cold water?
Please wash the dishes with this dish washing liquid.
remove : 없애다, 제거하다
It removes all your makeup residue.
How can I remove this stain?
I try to keep busy to remove any negative feelings.
Don't forget to remove your makeup before going to the bed.
Can I get ~? : 제가 ~를 받을 수 있나요?
Can I get a cash receipt?
Can I get a raise?
Can I get a discount?
Can I get another serving?
2. Model Dialogue
Taylor: How much is this facial cleanser?
Clerk: It's 12,00 won.
Taylor: Do I need to wash my face with a foam cleanser after using this?
Clerk: No, you don't have to. It removes all your makeup residue.
Taylor: Good. I'll take it. Can I get a cash receipt?
Clerk: Sure. What's your phone number?
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
facial cleanser: 세안제
wash ~ with ...: ~를 ...로 씻다
residue: 잔여물
cash receipt: 현금 영수증
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> cleanser와 cleansing에서 첫 부분의 발음은 /klen-/ 이다, 정확하게 발음하도록 연습 필요
Do you have nay cleansers?
I need a foam cleanser.
Wash your face thoroughly with cleanser.
Do you use a cleansing cream?
I use a cleansing lotion.
Can I use this cleansing tissue?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 얼굴을 씻어야 하나요?
Step 1: Do I need to wash my face?
Step 2: 폼 클렌저로 얼굴을 씻어야 하나요?
Step 2: Do I need to wash my face with a foam cleanser?
Step 3: 이걸 사용하고 나서 폼 클렌저로 얼굴을 씻어야 하나요?
Step 3: Do I need to wash my face with a foam cleanser after using this?
Step 4: 컴퓨터를 사용하고 나서 전원을 꺼야 하나요?
Step 4: Do I need to turn off the computer after using it?
6. 짤막 Tip
residue의 쓰임
> '뭔가 남아 있는 찌꺼기, 잔여물' 등을 의미
> makeup residue
(메이크업 잔여물)
> pesticide residue
(잔류 농약)
> oil residue
(독성 잔류물)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework