영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.05.28 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 5. 28. 09:39

1. Speaking Drill

need to ~ : ~해야 하다

I need to go to Times Square.

I need to take a break for a while.

She needs to concentrate more on her work.

We need to have a chat with him.

get : 알아듣다, 이해하다

Okay, got it.

Yep, I got it.

Did you get that okay?

I think I got it.

depend on ~ : ~에 달려 있다

It depends on the traffic.

It depends on how much time we have.

That depends on how hard you work.

It really depends on her.

2. Model Dialogue

Driver: Where to?

Roy: I need to go to Times Square.

Driver: Okay, got it.

Roy: How long will it take to get there?

Driver: It depends on the traffic. Shouldn't be more than a half-hour though.

Roy: Okay, that should work. As long as I'm there before 3:00, I'm okay.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

square: 광장

take: 시간이 걸리다

traffic: 교통, 교통 상황

though: 그래도, 하지만

as long as: ~이기만[하기만] 하면

for a while: 당분간

have a chat with him: ~와 이야기를 나누다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

/l/ 발음이 중간에 있는 경우

> 철자 l이 있어도 l을 발음하지 않아도 되는 half 연습

> l을 발음하려다 마는 것 처럼 혀를 입천장 쪽으로 올리다가 만 상태에서 소리를 내도록 연습

I took a nap for half an hour.

The population of this city is half a million.

It's half past seven now.

It took two hours and a half.

What did you say? Oh, I'm half asleep.

I can get half of the profits.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 교통 상황에 달려 있죠.

Step 1: It depends on the traffic.

Step 2: 교통 상황에 달려 있지만, ~는 아닐 거예요.

Step 2: It depends on the traffic but it shouldn't be...

Step 3: 교통 상황에 달려 있지만, 30분 이상 걸리지는 않을 거예요.

Step 3: It depends on the traffic but it shouldn't be more than a half-hour.

Step 4: 교통 상황에 달려 있지만, 한 시간 이상 걸리지는 않을 거예요.

Step 4: It depends on the traffic but it shouldn't be more than an hour.

6. 짤막 Tip

work의 쓰임

> 기본적인 뜻: '일하다, 공부하다'

> 이외의 뜻: '기계나 장비, 도구 등이 어떤 목적에 맞게 작용하다'

> Does it work?

(상대방이 어떤 것이 필요하다고 했을 때 건네주고, 그걸로 되는지를 확인 할 때)

> It should work.

(그때쯤 도착하면 된다, 그 정도에 끝내 주면 된다, 문제없다 라고 할 때)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

She needs to concentrate more on her work.

We need to have a chat with him.

Did you get that okay?

(잘 알아들었니?)

It depends on how much time we have.

That depends on how hard you work.

(네가 얼마나 열심히 하느냐에 달려 있어.)

Shouldn't be more than a half-hour though.

(그래도 30분은 넘지 않을 겁니다.)

Oh, I'm half asleep.

(아 비몽사몽이네.)

That should work.


9. Homework