영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.05.29 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 5. 29. 10:50

1. Speaking Drill

go around : 유행하다, 돌아다니다

That's going around at preschool.

There's a flu going around.

There's a bad cold going around our school.

There is some kind of bugs going around our city.

How often do I ~ ? : 얼마나 자주 ~하나요?

How often do I give them to her?

How often do I have to to show up?

How often do I take vacations?

How often do I miss class?

~ times a day/a week/ a month : 하루에/일주일에/한 달에 ~번

Give them to her three times a day.

I eat meat three times a day.

I email my mom four times a month.

I go home and visit my family once a week.

2. Model Dialogue

Helen: What do you think it is?

Doctor: It looks like conjunctivitis, or pink eye.

Helen: Yes. That's going around at preschool.

Doctor: Here is a prescription for some antibiotic eye drops.

Helen: How often do I give them to her?

Doctor: Give them to her three times a day.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

conjunctivitis: 결막염

pink eye: 유행성 결막염

preschool: 유치원

prescription: 처방전

antibiotic: 항생(작용)의

eye drop: 안약

bad cold: 심한 감기

show up: 오다, 나타나다

take vacations: 휴가를 가지다

miss class: 수업을 빠지다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 성대가 울리지 않는 무성음 th의 발음 연습

> 발음방법: 윗니와 아랫니 사이에 혀를 살짝 내민 상태로 당기면서 소리를 냄

What do you think it is worth?

Thousands of people came to see the event.

This is kind of a music therapy.

Be careful of the thorns.

I can't thank you enough.

What do you think about my theme song?

5. Make Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 그게 유행하고 있어요.

Step 1: That's going around.

Step 2: 그게 유치원에서 유행하고 있어요.

Step 2: That's going around at preschool.

Step 3: 그게 유치원에서 유행하고 있는 것 같은데 어쩌죠.

Step 3: I'm afraid that's going around at preschool.

Step 4: 심한 종류의 감기가 유행하고 있는 것 같은데 어쩌죠.

Step 4: I'm afraid kind of cold a terrible is going around.

6. 짤막 Tip

문장내 강세

> 단어: 의미어 + 기능어 구성

> 의미어: 의미가 있는 말, 강세를 두어 발음

> 기능어: 일반적으로 강세를 두지 않고 발음

> What do you think it is?

(What과 think에 강세를 두고, 나머지는 강세를 두지 않고 발음)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

What do you think it is?

(이게 뭐인 것 같으세요?)

What do you think it is worth?

(이게 얼마나 나갈 것 같아?)

Be careful of the thorns.

(가시를 조심해)

I can't thank you enough.

(어떻게 감사해야 할지 모르겠어요.)

What do you think about my theme song?

(내 주제곡 어때?)

9. Homework