영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.05.30 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 5. 30. 09:32

1. Speaking Drill

amazing : 대단한, 멋진

I guess he has an amazing vocabulary.

What an amazing view!

It's amazing that you've finished it so quickly!

Isn't it amazing that she have memorize more than 200 phone numbers?

How do/does ~? : 어떻게 ~하지?

How does he speak English so fluently?

How does he memorize words so quickly?

How does she get up so early?

How do you forget about your mistakes so easily?

a fast ~ : 빠른 ~

Oh, he must be a fast learner.

He is a fast runner, too.

Mijin is a fast worker.

Mr. Park is a fast pitcher.

My daughter used to speak slowly but she is a fast speaker now.

2. Model Dialogue

Roy: Who is he? I guess he has an amazing vocabulary.

Miranda: I know. He's my upstairs neighbor, Mr. Lee.

Roy: How does he speak English so fluently?

Miranda: He said he watches movies in English quite often.

Roy: Oh, he must be a fast learner.

Miranda: He is a fast runner, too.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

vocabulary: 어휘[력]

upstairs neighbor: 위층에 사는 이웃

fluently: 유창하게

quite often:  꽤 자주

a fast learner: 빨리 배우는 사람

runner: 달리는 사람

an amazing view: 근사한 풍경

more than 200 phone numbers: 200개 이상의 전화번호

memorize: 암기하다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 영어의 자음 /z/ 발음을 우리말 자음의 'ㅈ'처럼 발음 하지 않기

> 발음 방법: 입천장과 혓바닥이 거의 닿을 듯 말 듯하게 가까이 한 상태에서 발음

Your story sounds amazing!

What's this buzzing sound?

My brother is not lazy at all.

Why are you teasing your sister?

Is this flower called "daisy"?

How much is this eraser?

5. Make Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 그 사람은 영어로 된 영화를 봐요.

Step 1: He watches movies in English.

Step 2: 그 사람은 영어로 된 영화를 꽤 자주 봐요.

Step 2: He watches movies in English quite often.

Step 3: 그 사람은 영어로 된 영화를 꽤 자주 대요.

Step 3: He said he watches movies in English quite often.

Step 4: 그 여자분은 배달 음식을 꽤 자주 시켜 먹는대요.

Step 4: She said she orders in quite often.

6. 짤막 Tip

둘 이상이라도 복수형을 쓰지 않는 단어들

> vocabulary


> staff

(직원, 스태프)

> advice

(조언, 충고)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

It's amazing that you've finished it so quickly!

Isn't it amazing that she have memorize more than 200 phone numbers?

How does he speak English so fluently?

How does he memorize words so quickly?

My daughter used to speak slowly but she is a fast speaker now.

Oh, he must be a fast learner.

Your story sounds amazing!

(네 이야기 대단하다!)

My brother is not lazy at all.

(내 남동생은 전혀 게으르지 않아.)

Is this flower called "daisy"?

(이 꽃을 '데이지'라고 하나요?)

She said she orders in quite often.

9. Homework