Easy english - 13.05.31 학습
1. Speaking Drill
set up : 치다, 설치하다, 짜다
Do you want to help set up the tent?
How can I set up this program?
Can you get the barbecue all set up?
We need to set up a schedule that will work for everyone.
a couple of trips : 몇 번 다녀옴
Sure thing, but I think it will take me a couple of trips.
You will need a couple of trips to carry all that.
We made a couple of trips to visit him in the hospital.
It's going to take at least a couple of trips to the store to get all that.
be a while : 시간이 좀 걸리다
I'm gonna be a little while getting this tent up anyway.
I think I'm going to be a while yet.
Is it going to be a while before dinner is ready?
It's going to be a while, you might as well sit down and take it easy.
2. Model Dialogue
Jake: Do you want to help set up the tent?
Jimmy: Well, how about I go and get some water while you do that?
Jake: That sounds good.
Jimmy: How much should I get?
Jake: Can you fill up all of the containers?
Jimmy: Sure thing, but I think it will take me a couple of trips.
Jake: No sweat, I'm gonna be a little while getting this tent up anyway.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
get some water: 물을 좀 가져다오다
fill up: 채우다
container: 용기, 그릇, 통
no sweat: 문제없어, 별거 아냐
anyway: 어쨌든, 아무튼
throw out: 버리다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> 앞 단어의 자음과 뒷 단어의 모음을 부드럽게 이어서 발음
Can you help me set up the tent?
How about I pick him up?
Should I do this again?
Please fill up the tank.
Are you going to throw out all of the dishes?
It will take a while.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 내가 가서 ~하는 게 어떨까?
Step 1: How about I go and ...?
Step 2: 내가 가서 물을 좀 가져오는 게 어떨까?
Step 2: How about I go and get some water?
Step 3: 네가 그거 하는 동안, 내가 가서 물을 좀 가져오는 게 어떨까?
Step 3: How about I go and get some water while you do that?
Step 4: 네가 설거지하는 동안 내가 세차를 하는 게 어떨까?
Step 4: How about I do the dishes while you wash my car?
6. 짤막 Tip
container의 쓰임
> 외래어: 다량의 화물을 넣어서 운반할 수 있는
> 기본 뜻: 용기, 그릇, 물건을 넣어 두는 상자나 음식을 담아 두는 그릇, 밀폐 용기
> egg container
> airtight container
(공기가 빠져나가지 않게 한, 밀폐 용기)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Can you get the barbecue all set up?
(바비큐 그릴 좀 다 설치해 줄래?)
We need to set up a schedule that will work for everyone.
(우린 모든 사람들에게 다 맞는 스케줄을 짜야 해.)
9. Homework