Easy english - 13.06.03 학습
1. Speaking Drill
fix ~ up with ... : ~에게 ...를 소개해 주다.
How about I fix him up with my aunt?
My friend fixed me up with this guy.
Can you please fix me up with your brother?
Please don't try to fix me up with people.
photogenic: 사진발이 잘 받는
She's not photogenic.
I'm not photogenic.
You're very photogenic!
I think my mother is photogenic.
in person : 직접, 실물로
She looks much more attractive in person.
I'd love to see you in person.
You don't need to visit the office in person.
SMS is okay, but I prefer meeting my friends in person.
2. Model Dialogue
Taylor: How old is Professor Kim?
John: I guess he's thirty-something. Why?
Taylor: (showing John her aunt's photo) How about I fix him up with my aunt?
John: Is this your aunt?
Taylor: Yes. She's not photogenic. She looks better in real life. She looks much more attractive in person.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
thirty-something: 30대 정도
aunt: 고모, 이모, 숙모
photogenic: 사진이 잘 받는
in real life: 실물로, 실제로
attractive: 매력적인, 호감이 가는
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> t가 강세를 못 받을 때 발음 연습
> 발음 방법: t가 강세를 받아 발음할 때(윗니 뒤쪽) 와 혀의 위치가 같도록 연습
You look much better than before.
Why don't you write him a letter?
It doesn't matter.
You look neater in that shirt.
Peter runs faster than me.
Don't I look cuter today?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 그녀는 사진발이 잘 안 받아.
Step 1: She' not photogenic.
Step 2: 그녀는 사진발이 잘 안 받지만, 더 예뻐 보여.
Step 2: She' not photogenic but she looks better.
Step 3: 그녀는 사진발이 잘 안 받지만, 실물로 보면 더 예뻐 보여.
Step 3: She' not photogenic but she looks better in real life.
Step 4: 그녀는 사진발은 잘 안 받지만, 자기 사진 찍는 것을 좋아해.
Step 4: She's not photogenic, but she loves getting her pictures taken.
6. 짤막 Tip
photogenic의 쓰임
> 사람을 주어로 하는 경우: 사진을 찍으면 사진이 멋지게 잘 나오는, '사진발이 잘 받는'
> 장소, 자연환경 등을 주어로 하는 경우: '사진이 잘 나올 만한'
> The train goes slowly at photogenic spots.
(사진이 잘 나올 만한 풍경이 있는 곳을 지날 때에는 기차가 천천히 간다.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
How about I fix him up with my aunt?
(내가 교수님께 이모를 소개해 드리면 어떨까?)
She looks better in real life.
(실물이 훨 낫지.)
She looks much more attractive in person.
(직접 보면 휠씬 더 매력적이셔.)
You look neater in that shirt.
(그 셔츠 입으니까 더 단정해 보인다.)
9. Homework