Easy english - 13.06.05 학습
1. Speaking Drill
I'd like to ~. : ~하려고 하는데요, ~하고 싶어요.
I'd like to switch it for a different color.
I'd like to tell you something.
I'd like to make my life more organized.
I'd like to confirm my reservation.
~ have/has already been p.p. : ~는 이미 ...되었어요.
Your order has already been shipped.
My dog has already been cured.
Your computer has already been fixed.
Your order has already been canceled.
return 무엇 to 어디/누구 : 무엇을 어디/누구에게 돌려주다
Please return the jacket to our address when you get it.
Please return this book to the library.
I returned his radio to him yesterday.
Did you return the screwdriver to the superintendent?
2. Model Dialogue
Clerk: Super Home Shopping, how may I help you?
Helen: I bought a blue jacket the other day, but I'd like to switch it for a different color.
Clerk: May I have your name, please?
Helen: Helen Lee.
Clerk: Helen Lee... Oh, your order has already been shipped.
Helen: Then what should I do?
Clerk: Please return the jacket to our address when you get it. Then we'll send you a new jacket in the color you'd like.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
the other day: 며칠 전에
switch: 바꾸다
order: 주문, 주문한 상품
address: 주소
send: 보내다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> /ɔ:/ 발음을 낼 때 /오우/가 아니라 /오/와 /어/의 중간 발음이 되도록 연습
I bought it last week.
I caught a cold.
What caused it?
Do you have a recipe for this sauce?
Is she your daughter?
Who saw that?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 전에 파란색 재킷을 샀어요.
Step 1: I bought a blue jacket the other day.
Step 2: 전에 파란색 재킷을 샀는데요, 바꾸고 싶어서요.
Step 2: I bought a blue jacket the other day, but I'd like to switch it.
Step 3: 전에 파란색 재킷을 샀는데요, 다른 색깔로 바꾸고 싶어서요.
Step 3: I bought a blue jacket the other day, but I'd like to switch it for a different color.
Step 4: 어제 빨간색 치마를 샀는데요, 노란색으로 바꾸고 싶어서요.
Step 4: I bought a red skirt yesterday, but I'd like to switch it for a yellow one.
6. 짤막 Tip
I'd like to 의 쓰임
> 식당에서 주문하거나 예약할 때, 예약을 변경 할 때, 주문한 것을 취소하거나 변경할 때
> '~하려고 하는데요.' 의미
아는 사람 사이에서 사용
> I want to ~. 보다 공송하고 예의바른 표현
> '~하고 싶은데, ~했으면 좋겠는데' 의미
I'd love to ~. 표현
> '너무너무 ~하고 싶다.' 의미
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework