영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.09 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 9. 09:19

1. Speaking Drill

I'll be right back with ~. : ~을 가지고 바로 올게요.

I'll be right back with your parcel.

I'll be right back with it.

I'll be right back with the correct size shoes.

I'll be right back with the same jacket in red.

Do I need to ~? : 내가 ~해야 해?

Do I need to sign for this?

Do I need to go?

Do I need to go there in person?

Do I need to remind you what happened last time?

be on one's way : 가다, 가는 중이다.

Yes, please sign right here and you can be on your way.

I'm on my way.
Are you on your way to your house?

You're well on your way to a bright future.

2. Model Dialogue

Helen: I found this notice on my door today.

Postal Worker: Oh, you have a registered parcel. We tried to deliver it twice but nobody was at home.

Helen: Oh, I've been out a lot this week.

Postal Worker: No problem. I'll be right back with your parcel.

Helen: Thank you. Do I need to sign for this?

Postal Worker: Yes, please sign right here and you can be on your way.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

notice: 공지문, 안내문

registered parcel: 등기 소포

deliver: 배달하다

be out: 나가다, 외출하다

sign: 서명하다

right here: 바로 여기에

the correct size shoes: 맞는 사이즈의 신발

the same jacket in red: 똑같은 재킷을 빨간색으로

a bright future: 밝은 미래

last time: 지난번

remind: 상기시키다, (기억하도록) 다시 한 번 알려 주다

sign for something: ~을 수령하였다고 서명[날인]하다

be tied up: 바쁘다

wound up흥분한; 긴장한

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
w로 시작하는 단어나 음절의 소리를 연습

I was really tied up.

Is there any other way?

Can I come with you?

It's been a long week.

How's your wife doing?

I'm too wound up to eat.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 저희가 ~하려고 했어요.

Step 1: We tried to...

Step 2: 저희가 두 번 배달하려고 했어요.

Step 2: We tried to deliver it twice.

Step 3: 저희가 두 번 배달하려고 했는데 집에 아무도 안 계시더라고요.

Step 3: We tried to deliver it twice but nobody was at home.

6. 짤막 Tip

be out 표현

> '밖에 나가다, 외출하다, 집에 없다' 라는 의미

> Did anybody call me while I was out?
(혹시 나 없을 때 전화 온 거 있어?)

> Were you out?

(너 밖에 나갔었니?)

7. Comments & Practice

No problem

(부탁·질문에 대해) 그럼요[전혀 문제되지 않아요]

> 괜찮아요(고마움·미안함을 나타내는 말에 대한 대꾸)

8. 외워야 할 표현

I found this notice on my door today.

Nobody was at home.

Is there any other way?

I'm too wound up to eat.

Please sign right here and you can be on your way.

9. Homework