영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.06.07 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 6. 7. 09:31

1. Speaking Drill

It's been ages since ~. : ~한 지 정말 오래되었다.

It's been ages since we came here last.

It's been ages since we last met.

It's been ages since I went to the theater.

It's been ages since I had a romantic date.

must-go ~ : 꼭 가 봐야 할 ~

This is one of  the must-go places for couples like us.

This is a must-go temple.

I heard this is the must-go pizza places in Chicago.

Ssangyesa is one of the must-go places in Spring.

I'll never ~. : 절대 ~하지 않을 거야.

I'll never get on the roller coaster or the viking.

I'll never try that food.

I'll never try extreme sports.

I'll never try that again.

2. Model Dialogue

Barbara: It's been ages since we came here last.

Jake: Yes. But I don't really like this amusement park.

Barbara: This is one of the must-go places for couple like us.

Jake: Do you know I have acrophobia?

You mean you're afraid of heights?

Jake: Right. I'll never get on the roller coaster or the viking.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

amusement park: 놀이공원

acrophobia: 고소 공포증

heights: 높이, 높은 곳

get on ~: ~에 타다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> /f/의 발음을 연습

> 발음 방법: 윗니로 아랫입술을 살짝 안은 것처럼 발음

I'm afraid I'm lost.

Can I have half of it?

What if he says no?

I was frightened at that time.

Why are you laughing at me?

I still don't know why she left me.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 정말 오래됐네요.

Step 1: It's been ages.

Step 2: 우리가 온 지 정말 오래됐네요.

Step 2: It's been ages since we came.

Step 3: 우리가 이 놀이공원에 온 지 정말 오래됐네요.

Step 3: It's been ages since we came to this amusement park.

Step 4: 극장에서 영화를 본 게 정말 오래간만이네요.

Step 4: It's been ages since we saw a movie in a movie theater.

6. 짤막 Tip

phobia 쓰임

> '공포, 공포증'을 나타내는 말

> acrophobia

(고소 공포증)

> aerophobia

(비행 공포증)

> agoraphobia

(광장 공포증)

> anthrophobia

(대인 공포증)

> some kind of phobia

(어떤 공포증)

> phobia of snakes

(뱀에 대한 공포증)

phobia about flying

(비행기를 타는 것에 대한 공포증)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework