영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.06.10 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 6. 10. 09:34

1. Speaking Drill

Can I ~ ? : ~해도 돼요?

Can I see your ticket, please?

Can I use your computer?

Can I invite you to my house?

Can I stop by your office for a cup of coffee?

wrong : 잘못된, 틀린

Oh, you're in the wrong car.

I had the wrong idea.

You're on the wrong side.

I'm afraid we're going the wrong way.

You need to ~. : 너 ~해야 해.

You need to go two cars up.

You need to eat well.

You need to get along with your friends.

You need to feel better about yourself.

2. Model Dialogue

Foreigner: Excuse me, I think you're in my seat.

Taylor: Really? Can I see your ticket, please?

Foreigner: Sure, here it is. Seat No. 12B, right?

Taylor: Oh, you're in the wrong car. You need to go two cars up.

Foreigner: I see... This is car 7 and my seat is in car 5.

Taylor: No problem.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

seat: 좌석

car: (기차의) 차량

go two cars up: 두 칸 위로 가다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 단모음과 장모음을 비교하며 연습

> 단모음 발음 방법: 짧고 간결하게

> 장모음 발음 방버: 길게  발음, 입 술의 끝을 양쪽으로 벌려서

Am I sitting in your seat?

What's your seat number?

Don't touch the tin!

My son is teenager.

Could you fill in for me?

How are you feeling today?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 좌석이 5번 칸이시네요.

Step 1: Your seat is in car 5.

Step 2: 좌석이 5번 칸이시니까 ~하셔야겠네요.

Step 2: Your seat is in car 5 so  you need to ...

Step 3: 좌석이 5번 칸이시니까, 두 칸 위로 가셔야겠네요.

Step 3: Your seat is in car 5 so  you need to go two cars up.

Step 4: 내 좌석은 7번 칸이니까, 두 칸 아래로 내려가야겠군.

Step 4: My seat is in car 7 so I need to go two cars down.

6. 짤막 Tip

up과 down

> up: 사전적 의미 '위로, 위쪽으로'

> down: 사전적 의미 '아래로, 아래쪽으로'

> 회화에서 up과 down이 꼭 위와 아래를 뜻하지 않기도 함

> Go down the road.

> Go up the road.

(쭉 가세요.)

> go up: 기차에서 주로 '앞 칸으로 가는 것'

> go down: 기차에서 주로 '뒤 칸으로 가는 것'

> go one car up.

(한 칸 앞으로 가다)

> go two cars up.

(두 칸 앞으로 가다)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework