Easy english - 13.06.14 학습
1. Speaking Drill
hear a lot about ~ : ~에 대한 얘기를 많이 듣다.
I heard a lot about you from Barbara.
I've heard a lot about you.
I've heard a lot about this Internet shopping mall.
We hear a lot about the importance of being honest.
So you're interested in this job, right?
Are you interested in early childhood education?
I'm interested in that investment plan.
All of us are interested in living a healthy and wealthy life.
Do I get paid by the hours?
No, you'll get paid per job, as a freelancer.
How often do you get paid?
When did you get paid last?
It's good to get paid whether I work or not.
2. Making Up Longer Sentences
Jake: Nice to meet you, Ms. Song. I heard a lot about you from Barbara.
Ms. Song: Did you? Me, too. So you're interested in this job, right?
Jake: Yes. If I take the job, do I get paid by the hour?
Ms. Song: No, you'll get paid per job, as a freelancer.
Jake: I see.
Ms. Song: Can I ask you why you decided to make a career change?
Jake: I thought my old job was a dead-end job.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
by the hour: 시간제로
per: ~마다, ~당
make a career change: 직업을 바꾸다
dead-end job: 가망이 없는 직업
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> th의 발음을 정확하게 연습
> th 발음 방법: 윗니와 아랫니 사이에 살짝 혀끝을 내민 상태에서 당기며 발음
What do you think about it?
We thought you guys broke up.
Oh, that's pathetic!
I used to be interested in math.
I love taking a bath.
The seats are comfortable in this theater.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 제가 이 일을 하게 되면
Step 1: If I take the job, ...
Step 2: 제가 이 일을 하게 되면, 보수를 받나요?
Step 2: If I take the job, do I get paid?
Step 3: 제가 이 일을 하게 되면, 시간제 보수를 받나요?
Step 3: If I take the job, do I get paid by the hour?
Step 4: 제가 이 일을 하게 되면, 주말에 일을 해야 하나요?
Step 4: If I take the job, do I have to work on the weekends?
6. 짤막 Tip
dead-end의 쓰임
> dead-end: '막다른, 해결점이 보이지 않는' 이라는 뜻
> a dead-end job: 전망이 없고 장래성이 보이지 않는 직장이나 직업
> be at a dead-end
> come to a dead-end
> reach a dead-end
(어떤 협상이나 토론이 진전이 없거나 난항을 겪을 때)
(막다른 골목에 이르다, 진퇴양난에 빠지다)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework