영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.06.17 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 6. 17. 09:31

1. Speaking Drill

a good hour : 한 시간 꼬박

I waited for you for a good hour!

I spent a good hour washing the dishes.

We talked for a good hour about our future.

It'll take a good hour to translate these passages in English.

be stressed out : 스트레스를 받다

I think you're really stressed out these days.

I'm stressed out today.

What do you do when you're stressed out?

I try not to drink alone when I 'm stressed out.

have a falling out : 사이가 안 좋아지다

It's just that John and I had a falling out.

Why did you have a falling out?

I heard you and your husband had a falling out.

We had totally different ideas about what to do so eventually we had a falling out.

2. Model Dialogue

Taylor: Tina, what happened? I waited for you for a good hour!

Tina: I'm really sorry, Taylor. I took the wrong bus.

Taylor: Again? I think you're really stressed out these days.

Tina: It's just that John and I had a falling out.

Taylor: Really? Why? Let's have chat over coffee.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

wait for ~: ~를 기다리다

these days: 요즘

have a chat: 얘기하다, 수다를 떨다

over coffee: 커피를 마시면서

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 철자로는 있지만 발음하지 않는 h를 생각하며 발음

> 발음 방법: 발음하면서 단어의 철자를 떠올리면서 발음

I usually sleep for seven hours every night.

It took many hours to finish it.

How many hours do you need?

What kind of herbs is this?

I'm growing several herbs in my garden.

I put some delicious herbs in the soup.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~인 것 같아요.

Step 1: I think...

Step 2: 스트레스를 정말 많이 받으시나 봐요.

Step 2: I think you're really stressed out.

Step 3: 요즘 스트레스를 정말 많이 받으시나 봐요.

Step 3: I think you're really stressed out these days.

Step 4: 요즘 아주 많이 바쁘신가 봐요.

Step 4: I think you're really busy these days.

6. 짤막 Tip

have a falling out 의 쓰임

> 사이가 안 좋아지고 불화가 생길 때

> 사이가 틀어졌다고 할 때 쓰는 표현

> Eventually, we had a falling out.

(어찌어찌해서 결국 우리 상이가 틀어졌어.)

> I heard you guys had a falling out.

(너희들 싸워서 사이가 별로라던데.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

It's just that John and I had a falling out.

(그냥 존이랑 내가 사이가 안 좋아져서.)

9. Homework