Easy english - 13.06.18 학습
1. Speaking Drill
be thinking about ~ : ~할까 생각 중이다
So you're thinking about opening a restaurant?
Are you thinking about moving out?
I'm thinking about selling my car.
We're thinking about working together.
someone's business took off : 누군가의 사업이 대박이 났다
And her business really took off?
My boyfriend's business took off.
I heard your business took off.
Thanks to your recipe, my business took off.
don't / doesn't really like -ing : ~하는 것을 별로 좋아하지 않다.
But as far as I remember, you don't really like cooking.
I don't really like walking.
I don't really like reading these kinds of books.
I don't really like having an argument with someone.
2. Model Dialogue
Sean: So you're thinking about opening a restaurant?
Sister-in-law: Yes. You know what? One of my friends has opened a noodles-only restaurant and...
Sean: And her business really took off?
Sister-in-law: That's right!
Sean: But as far as I remember, you don't really like cooking.
Sister-in-law: I know, but I can hire a great cook!
Sean: You should really consider working in a field that you're good at.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
sister-in-law: 형수, 시누이, 올케, 처제, 처형, 동서
noodles-only restaurant: 국수 전문점
as far as ~: ~하는 한
hire: 고용하다, 뽑다
cook: 요리사
consider: 고려하다, 생각해 보다
field: 분야, 업종
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> -oo- 가 들어간 단어의 발음 연습
> 발음 방법: /우/ 보다는 /으/에 가깝게 소리냄
I'm glad your business took off!
I don't think I'm a good cook.
We shook hands and said bye.
Whose book is this?
What are you looking at?
Hang your coat on the hook.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 잘 생각해 봐야 해요.
Step 1: You should really consider...
Step 2: ~ 분야에서 일하는 것을 잘 생각해 봐야 해요.
Step 2: You should really consider working in a field.
Step 3: 당신이 잘하는 분야에서 일하는 것을 잘 생각해 봐야 해요.
Step 3: You should really consider working in a field that you're good at.
Step 4: 너는 지금보다 더 적은 시간을 일하는 것을 잘 생각해 봐야 해.
Step 4: You should really consider working for less hours than now.
6. 짤막 Tip
take off 표현
> 사업이 잘돼서 '대박이 나다, 돈을 많이 벌다' 라는 말을 할 때 사용
> After that, the business took off.
(그 가게는 (인테리어도 하고) 또 어떻게 한 후 에 대박이 났대.)
> If my business takes off, I'll buy you a fancy car.
(내 사업이 대박 나면, 내가 너한테 근사한 차 한대 사 줄께.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework