영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.06.21 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 6. 21. 09:37

1. Speaking Drill

skip ~ : ~를 건너뛰다

I skipped lunch, so I'm starving.

Did you skip lunch?
Skipping meals is not good for your health.

I occasionally skip lunch when I've got too many things to do.

mismatched ~ : 짝이 안 맞는 ~, 안 어울리는 ~

Why are you wearing mismatched socks?

I think they're a mismatched couple.

I can't deal with all this mismatched kitchenware.

How can I decorate my house with all of this mismatched furniture?

due to ~ : ~때문에

My house was too dark when I left due to a power failure.

I couldn't cook due to the power failure.

Due to the fog, we arrived late.

Due to his unattractive appearance, not many women like him at first sight.

2. Model Dialogue

Barbara: Hi, Jake! Let's go out for dinner.

Jake: Okay. I skipped lunch, so I'm starving.

Barbara: Wait. Jake, why are you wearing mismatched socks?

Jake: Oh, I didn't notice that.

Barbara: And your shirt is inside outside!

Jake: My house was too dark when I left due to a power failure.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

skip: 건너뛰다, 제끼다

starve: 굶주리다, 배가 몹시 고프다

mismatched: 짝이 안맞는

notice: 알아차리다

inside out: (안팎이) 뒤집어진

power failure: 정전

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 철자 v가 들어간 단어의 발음을 연습

> 발음 방법: 윗니가 아랫입술을 살짝 안은 듯 발음

Oh, I'm starving.

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

I've never thought that way.

Men usually go into their caves in this situation.

Don't leave here alone.

They serve various kind of food.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 우리 집이 너무 어두웠어.

Step 1: My house was too dark.

Step 2: 나올 때 우리 집이 너무 어두웠어.

Step 2: My house was too dark when I left.

Step 3: 정전 때문에 나올 때 우리 집이 너무 어두웠어.

Step 3: My house was too dark when I left due to a power failure.

Step 4: 정전 때문에 어제 내 방이 너무 어두웠어.

Step 4: My room was too dark due to a power failure yesterday.

6. 짤막 Tip

inside out의 쓰임

> 뜻: '(안팎이) 뒤집어진' 이라는 뜻

> Your shirt is inside out.

> You're wearing a shirt inside out.

(너 셔츠 거꾸로 뒤집어 입었어.)

> Turn your pocket inside out.

(주머니에 뭐가 있는지 봐야겠으니 주머니를 뒤집어 봐라고 할 때)

upside down

> 뜻: '위아래가 거꾸로 뒤집힌'

> Hey, the picture on the wall is upside down.

(저기, 벽에 걸린 그림이 위아래가 거꾸로 되어 있어요.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework