영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.06.25 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 6. 25. 09:28

1. Speaking Drill

It looks pretty ~. : 꽤 ~해 보이는데.

It looks pretty attractive.

It looks pretty cute.

It looks pretty complicated.

It looks pretty special to 

turn down : 거절하다

I found out some reasons to turn it down.

I turned down their offer.

Why did you decide to turn it down?

Are you really going to turn down their proposal?

specific : 구체적인

Could you be more specific?

Do you have any specific ideas?

You need to have specific plans to reach your goal.

If you want, I can make some specific plans for you.

2. Model Dialogue

Cindy: What do you think about the offer from Funny Chicken?

Sean: It looks pretty attractive.

Cindy: Then are we going to accept it?

Sean: Well, I found out some reasons to turn it down.

Cindy: Could you be more specific?

Sean: Sure, first...

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

offer: 제안

attractive: 매력적인, 괜찮은

accept: 받아들이다

find out: 알아내다, 찾아내다

turn down: 거절하다

specific: 구체적인

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> /si/의 발음을 연습

> 발음 방법: 우리말의 /쒸/가 아니라 /씨/가 되도록 연습

Could you be more specific?

This is the Pacific Ocean.

Can you see the sign up there?

Why is your room so messy?

Spring is my favorite season.

Please fasten your seat belt.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~를 찾아냈어요.

Step 1: I found out...

Step 2: 몇 가지 이유를 찾아냈어요.

Step 2: I found out some reasons.

Step 3: 거절해야 할 몇 가지 이유를 찾아냈어요.

Step 3: I found out some reasons to turn it down.

Step 4: 그들의 제안을 받아들여야 하는 이유를 몇 가지 찾아냈어요.

Step 4: I found out some reasons to accept their offer.

6. 짤막 Tip

specific의 쓰임

> 뜻: '특정한' 이라는 뜻 or '구체적인' 이라는 뜻

> specific characteristicㄴ

(특정한 성격)

> specific diet

(특정한  다이어트 방법)

> specific person

(특정한 인물)

> specific plan

(구체적인 계획)

> specific information

(구체적인 정보)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework