영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.06.27 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 6. 27. 09:30

1. Speaking Drill

I'm looking for ~. : ~를 찾고 있는데요.

I'm looking for a moisturizer for my daughter.

I'm looking for a touching novel.

I'm looking for a present for my nephew.

I'm looking for a skirt to go with my blouse.

Why don't you ~? : ~하지 그래?

Then why don't you buy some lipstick, instead?

Why don't you call her first?

Why don' you write him a love letter?

Why don't you take a break and put aside your concerns?

have a sale on ~ : ~를 세일하다

We're having a sale on all makeup items, including lipstick.

We're having a sale on electronic devices.

They're having a sale on winter clothes.

Do you still have a sale on shirts and ties?

2. Model Dialogue

Roy: I'm looking for some moisturizer for my daughter.

Clerk: Okay. How old is she?

Roy: She's twenty seven.

Clerk: Is her skin dry or oily?

Roy: I'm not sure.

Clerk: Then why don't you buy some lipstick, instead? We're having a sale on all makeup items, including lipstick.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

moisturizer: 로션, 보습제

dry: 건조한

oily: 기름진, 지성의

instead: 대신, 대신에

makeup item: 메이크업 제품

including ~ : ~를 포함해서

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 철자 s 뒤에 t가 올 때의 발음을 연습

> 발음 방법: 뒤에 t의 소리를 좀 강하게 발음 (예: 리ㅍ스띡)

Where did you get this lipstick?

I really like your new hair style.

Go straight to the end of this road.

I can't stay here any longer.

Keep stirring the soup.

Do you still miss him?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 우리는 ~를 세일합니다.

Step 1: We're having a sale on...

Step 2: 모든 메이크업 제품을 세일합니다.

Step 2: We're having a sale on all makeup items.

Step 3: 립스틱을 포함한 모든 메이크업 제품을 세일합니다.

Step 3: We're having a sale on all makeup items, including lipstick.

Step 4: 등산화를 포함한 여성용 신발을 세일하고 있습니다.

Step 4: We're having a sale on women's shoes, including hiking shoes.

6. 짤막 Tip

oily와 greasy의 차이


> 피부가 지성이어서 기름기가 많고 번들러린다고 할 때

> My skin is oily.

(내 피부는 지성이야.)


> 음식이 기름지다고 할 때

> greasy food

> greasy hamburg

> This spaghetti is too rich.

(이 스파게티는 너무 느끼해.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework