Easy english - 13.06.28 학습
1. Speaking Drill
drunk dial : 술에 취해 전화하다
I drunk dialed my ex last night.
Did you drunk dial her again?
I have a habit of drunk dialing my ex.
Though you might regret it the next morning, it's okay to drunk dial your ex.
close ~ : 가까운, 친한 ~
I won't ~. : 난 ~하지 않을 거야.
Even though Barbara is my close friend, I won't tell her.
We're really close to each other.
She's one of my closest friends.
We're getting closer these days.
I won't make the same mistake again.
I won't give up no matter what.
I won't let him go this time.
2. Model Dialogue
Pam: Jake, you look worried. What happened?
Jake: I drunk dialed my ex last night.
Pam: Oh, my... Did you tell Barbara about this?
Jake: Of course not! Let's just keep it between us.
Pam: Okay. Even though Barbara is my close friend, I won't tell her.
Jake: Thank you, Pam.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
worried: 걱정스러운, 걱정되는
ex: 전 여자 친구, 전 남자 친구
keep ~ between us: ~를 비밀로하다
even though ~: 비록 ~일지라도
close: 친한, 가까운
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> won't와 want의 발음을 구별해서 연습
> 발음 방법:
> won't /오우/ 소리가 들어가게 발음
> want /워언트/와 같이 소리가 나게 발음
Don't worry. I won't tell him anything.
They won't allow you to do that.
You won't believe it.
What do you want from me?
We want you to join us.
I want to upgrade myself.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~이긴 하지만,
Step 1: Even though...
Step 2: 바바라가 내 친한 친구이긴 하지만,
Step 2: Even though Barbara is my close friend,
Step 3: 바바라가 내 친한 친구이긴 하지만, 말 안 할게.
Step 3: Even though Barbara is my close friend, I won't tell her.
Step 4: 내가 지금 너무 바쁘지만, 너를 도와주러 갈게.
Step 4: Even though I'm really busy now, I'll be there to help you.
6. 짤막 Tip
even though와 even if의 차이
> even though 뒤에는 사실이 온다
> even if 뒤에는 '만약 ~하더라도'라는 가정의 일이 온다
Even though he is millionaire, I'm not going to date him.
(그 사람이 엄청난 부자라고 해도 난 그 사람과 데이트하지 않을 거야.)
Even if he is a millionaire, I'm not going to date him.
(그 사람이 부자인지 아닌지 그건 모르지만, 설사 그 사람이 엄청난 부자라고 해도, 난 그사람과 데이트할 생각이 없다.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework