영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.01 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 1. 09:35

1. Speaking Drill

date ~ : ~와 데이트하다, 사귀다

Tim is dating your ex?

Are you dating my sister?

How long have you been dating him?

The famous singer is supposedly dating Hyunah now.

~ of all peple[days] : 하고 많은 사람들[날들] 중에

Why her, of all people out there?

Why me, of all people?

Why him, of all people?

Why today, of all days?

unbelievable/unbelievably : 믿을 수가 없는, 놀라운/놀라울 정도로

Oh, it's unbelievable.

It's unbelievable.

An unbelievable thing has happened.

My boyfriend has an unbelievably nice personality.

2. Model Dialogue

Taylor: So, Tim is dating my ex?

John: Yes. Why her, of all women out there?

Taylor: Oh, its' unbelievable.

John: I know. What can I do when I see them both together?

Taylor: Do you want me to fix you up with someone?

John: No, I'm not ready yet.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

ex: 전 애인, 전남편, 전처

both: 둘 다

fix ~ up with ...: ~한테 ...를 소개해주다

ready: 준비가 된

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 단수형과 복수형의 발음을 연습

> 발음 방법: 모음에 주의하며 연습

Who is that tall man?

So many men attended the meeting.

She's a great woman.

Women usually like shopping.

My left foot hurts a lot.

I love walking in bare feet.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 왜 그 여자야?

Step 1: Why her?

Step 2: 수많은 여자들 중에 왜 그 여자야?

Step 2: Why her, of all women?

Step 3: 저렇게 수많은 여자들 중에 왜 그 여자야?

Step 3: Why her, of all women out there?

Step 4: 그 많은 날 중에 왜 하필 오늘이야?

Step 4: Why today, of all days?

6. 짤막 Tip

data의 쓰임

> data: '누구랑 데이트하다' 라는 뜻

> marry: '누구랑 결혼하다' 라는 뜻

> 영어 단어 자체에 '~와'라는 뜻이 내포 되어 있기 때문에 with를 같이 사용하지 않음

I dated him.

I dated her.

Will you marry me?

I want to marry her.

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework