Easy english - 13.07.02 학습
1. Speaking Drill
at first glance : 언뜻 보기에
At first glance, they look negative.
At first glance, she seems okay.
At first glance, these two pictures look alike.
At first glance, the sales figures seem to be increasing steadily.
unhappy (with ~) : (~가) 마음에 안 드는, 언짢은
You mean our customers are unhappy with our service?
You look unhappy with this situation.
I'm unhappy with what I've done.
I eat more high-calorie food when I'm
worse : 더 나쁜
I found out our competitors had worse results.
The situation is getting worse.
My grades were worse than these last month.
Their relationship seems to be worse than before.
2. Model Dialogue
Sean: Can you explain the results of the survey?
Cindy: At first glance, they look negative.
Sean: You mean our customers are unhappy with our service?
Cindy: Yes, but we can interpret the results differently.
Sean: What do you mean?
Cindy: I found out our competitors had worse results.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
result: 결과
survey: 설문 조사
negative: 부정적인
customer: 고객
interpret: (의미를) 설명[해석]하다
differently: 다르게
find out: 알아내다, 알게 되다
competitor: 경쟁자
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> 자연스럽게 말하려면 강세와 억양에도 익숙해져야 함
> 발음 방법: 단어의 강세에 따라 주의하며 따라연습
How do you explain this?
I hate those negative campaigns.
Can you interpret dreams?
I'm unhappy with it.
We think quite differently about many things.
Two competitors are fighting against each other.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~라는 말인가요?
Step 1: You mean...
Step 2: 우리 고객들이 만족을 못한다는 말인가요?
Step 2: You mean our customers are unhappy.
Step 3: 우리 고객들이 우리의 서비스에 만족을 못한다는 말인가요?
Step 3: You mean our customers are unhappy with our service?
Step 4: 그러니까 당분간 쉬겠다는 말이야?
Step 4: You mean you're going to take some time off a while.
6. 짤막 Tip
find와 find out의 차이
> find: '물건이나 사람을 찾다, 찾아내다' 라는 뜻
> find out: '어떤 사실을 알아내다, 어떻다는 것을 알아내다' 라는 뜻
> 어떤 사실을 알아냈을 때는 find out을 사용한다는 것을 기억
Luckily, I found my son.
(아들이 없어졌는데 찾았다면)
I found cell phone.
(핸드폰을 잃어버렸다가 찾았을 때)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework