Easy english - 13.07.03 학습
1. Speaking Drill
stop -ing : ~를 그만하다
Now pay attention and stop talking.
Stop nagging.
Please stop complaining about that.
Could you please stop worrying about it?
share : 같이 쓰다, 나누다
Then you can share with your classmate.
Let's share my umbrella.
I share a room with my sister.
At the end of the month, we can share the profits.
Who wants to ~? : 누가 ~할래?
Who wants to go first?
Who wants to join?
Who wants to take the job?
Who wants to be a millionaire?
2. Model Dialogue
Teacher: Now pay attention and stop talking.
Mike: (raising his hand) I'm sorry, but I forgot to bring my math book.
Teacher: Then you can share with your classmate.
Mike: Okay, ma'am.
Teacher: Let's solve the math problems on the board. Who wants to go first?
Mike: Me!
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
pay attention: 집중하다, 주의를 기울이다
raise: 들어 올리다
classmate: 급우, 짝
on the board: 칠판 위에
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
Did you compile the results?
Who wants to go with me?
I've finished all my tests.
How many prints do you need?
Isn't this song called "Tennessee Waltz"?
It's two dollars and 50 cents.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 죄송한데요, ~.
Step 1: I'm sorry, but...
Step 2: 죄송한데요, 깜박하고 ~를 안했어요.
Step 2: I'm sorry, but I forgot to...
Step 3: 죄송한데요, 깜박하고 수학책을 안 가져왔어요.
Step 3: I'm sorry, but I forgot to bring my math book.
Step 4: 죄송한데요, 깜박하고 책 반납을 안 했어요.
Step 4: I'm sorry, but I forgot to return the books.
6. 짤막 Tip
mate의 쓰임
> 의미: '짝'을 의미함
> classmate: 학교 친구
> roommate: 같은 방을 함께 쓰는 친구
> 영국이나 호주, 뉴질랜드에서는 형이나 친구를 부를 때 가벼운 느낌으로 mate라고 부르기도 함
> 영국에서는 요리사나 직공 등의 조수를 ~'s mate라고 함
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework