영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.04 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 4. 09:40

1. Speaking Drill

final : 최종의, 마지막의

Is this your final destination?

What's your final goal?

What's your final destination?

I've just finished the final chapter.

transfer to ~ : ~로 갈아타다

No, I'm going to transfer to Flight 238 bound for Amsterdam.

You can transfer to line number 7.

Where can I transfer to the blue line.

I transfer from a bus to the subway there.

take ~ : ~를 타다

You can take the shuttle there from here.

You can take a taxi there.

Do you want to take a bus or the subway?

I usually take the Olympic Expressway.

2. Model Dialogue

Roy: Should I go through the immigration?

Staff: Is this your final destination?

Roy: No, I'm going to transfer to Flight 238 bound for Amsterdam.

Staff: Then just go to Terminal 2 and check out the screen there.

Roy: I see. Thank you.

Staff: Wait! You can take the shuttle there from here.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

immigration: 입국 심사대

destination: 목적지

bound for: ~행, ~로 가는

check out: 확인하다

shuttle: 정기 왕복 버스[기차]

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 철자 i에서 /어/ 소리가 나는 단어들 연습

> 발음 규칙: i가 강세를 못 받을 경우 이렇게 /어/ 처럼 발음됨

What's your destination?

My final destination is Chicago.

I missed my destination.

Who's your competitor?

Most of the competitors had a hard time.

The youngest competitor was a 10-year-old girl.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~하려고 하는데요.

Step 1: I'm going to...

Step 2: 238편으로 갈아타려고 하는데요.

Step 2: I'm going to transfer to Flight 238.

Step 3: 암스테르담행 238편으로 갈아타려고 하는데요.

Step 3: I'm going to transfer to Flight 238 bound for Amsterdam.

Step 4: 파리행 768편으로 갈아타려고 합니다.

Step 4: I'm going to transfer to Flight 768 bound for Paris.

6. 짤막 Tip

destination의 쓰임

> 사전적 의미: '목적지'

> 회화적 의미: '어떤 장소'

> tourist destination

(인기 있는 관광지)

> the most popular destination for a school picnic

(학교 소풍 갈 때 가장 인기 있는 곳)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

I've just finished the final chapter.

I transfer from a bus to the subway there.

You can take a taxi there.

Do you want to take a bus or the subway?

I usually take the Olympic Expressway.

Should I go through the immigration?

You can take the shuttle there from here.

(여기서 거기까지 셔틀을 타시면 돼요.)

9. Homework