영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.05 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 5. 09:30

1. Speaking Drill

Come here and ~. : 이리 와서 ~해라.

Come here and have a seat.

Come here and look at it.

Come here and eat some.

Come here and tell me about it.

run to ~ : ~하러[~로] 달려가다

I sprained my ankle running to catch the subway.

I was running to see her.

I usually run to school so I'm not late.

We run to the gate when we heard the last call.

when you ~ : 네가 ~할 때

You should go see a doctor when you get off.

Turn off the light when you leave.

I was taking a shower when you called me.

I was surprised when you told me about that.

2. Model Dialogue

Jake: (standing up) Come here and have a seat.

Elderly Man: Oh, thank you. Why are you limping?

Jake: I sprained my ankle running to catch the subway.

Elderly Man: Then you should sit here.

Jake: No, thank you.

Elderly: I'm getting off at the next stop. You should go see a doctor when you get off.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

have seat: 자리에 앉다

limp: 절뚝거리다

sprain: 삐다, 접지르다

catch: 타다

get off: 내리다

go see a doctor: 병원에 가다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> s 뒤에 p가 이어지면 뒤에 있는 p의 소리가 강하게 발음

> 발음 방법: /스쁘/ 처럼 소리냄

I sprained my wrist.

You should spare some time to read every day.

We spend a lot of time regretting things that we've done.

Don't spill the beans.

Spread the word, please.

I'm preparing a speech.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 발목을 삐었어요.

Step 1: I sprained my ankle.

Step 2: ~하려고 뛰다가 발목을 삐었어요.

Step 2: I sprained my ankle running to...

Step 3: 지하철을 타려고 하려고 뛰다가 발목을 삐었어요.

Step 3: I sprained my ankle running to catch the subway.

Step 4: 엘리베이터를 타려고 뛰다가 넘어졌어요.

Step 4: I fell down running to catch the elevator.

6. 짤막 Tip

limp의 쓰임

> 의미: '절룩거리다, 절뚝거리다'라는 뜻

> He[She] is limping.

(다리가 아프거나 다쳐서 절뚝거릴 때)

> The economy is limping.

(경제가 정체되어 오락가락한다라고 할 때)

> walk with a limp

(명사로 사용하여 절뚝거리는 것을 말 할 때)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

Come here and look at it.

Come here and eat some.

Why are you limping?

I sprained my ankle running to catch the subway.

I'm getting off at the next stop.

You should go see a doctor when you get off.

You should spare some time to read every day.

We spend a lot of time regretting things that we've done.

Don't spill the beans.

Spread the word, please.

(많이 소문 내 주세요.)

I'm preparing a speech.

The economy is limping.

9. Homework