Easy english - 13.07.08 학습
1. Speaking Drill
How do you like ~? : ~ 어때?
How do you like your spaghetti?
How do you like the food?
How do you like your coffee?
How do you like it here in Korea?
too ~ : 너무 ~한
This cream is too rich.
He's too sensitive.
It's too difficult for me.
The weather is too hot and humid.
run through one's mind : 머릿속에 맴돌다
It keeps running through my mind.
It's running through my mind.
What she told me is running through my mind.
I don't know why that song is running through my mind.
2. Model Dialogue
John: How do you like your spaghetti?
Taylor: This cream is too rich.
John: Really? Then try the tomato next time.
Taylor: Okay. By the way, what is that song you keep humming.
John: I don't know. It keep running through my mind.
Taylor: Oh, I guess you heard that song when you woke up!
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
rich: 기름진
try: 먹어 보다
by the way: 그런데
keep -ing: 계속 ~하다
hum: 흥얼거리다
right after ~ : ~하자마자, ~ 직후에
wake up: 깨다, 일어나다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> 앞의 단어가 d로 끝나고 뒤의 단어가 t로 시작하면
> d 소리가 생략되고 t소리로 넘어감
I had to leave early.
Dad took me to school.
Mom, I've read ten books already.
I've sold T-shirts online.
Sad to say, we failed this time.
We had to finish the project first.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 이 노래가 계속 ~하네.
Step 1: This song keeps...
Step 2: 이 노래가 계속 머릿속을 맴돌아.
Step 2: This song keeps running through in my mind.
Step 3: 왜 그런지 모르겠는데 이 노래가 계속 머릿속을 맴돌아.
Step 3: I don't know why but This song keeps running through in my mind.
Step 4: 왜 그런지 모르겠는데 내가 자꾸 똑같은 실수를 반복해.
Step 4: I don't know but I make the same mistake over and over again.
6. 짤막 Tip
rich의 쓰임
> 의미: 돈이나 재산, 그 외의 것들이 많고 풍부할 때 쓰는 말
> the rich: '부자들' 이라는 의미
> rich in ~: '~이 많은, 풍부한' 이라는 말
> a country rich in oil and coal
(석유와 석탄이 풍부한[많이 나는] 나라')
> rich food
(기름지거나 영양가가 많은 음식)
> rich cake
(버터와 달걀이 듬뿍 들어간 케이크)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
9. Homework