영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.09 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 9. 09:54

1. Speaking Drill

There'll be ~. : ~가 있을 거예요.

I guess there'll be more people when it gets hot.

There'll be another chance.

There'll be better days in the future.

There'll be an additional charge of about 50,000 won.

~ is[are] not too bad. : ~가 그렇게 나쁘진 않아.

Our current profit margin of about 20% is not too bad.

The score is not too bad.

Your new hairdo is not too bad.

As far as I know, the result was not too bad.

barely : 가까스로, 겨우

My restaurants lose money or barely break even.

We barely escaped a disaster.

I barely keep my eyes open.

I barely got there on time.

2. Model Dialogue

(at a restaurant)

Sean: Do you have many customers these days?

Restaurant Owner: Well, it depends on the weather.

Sean: I guess there'll be more people when it gets hot.

Restaurant Owner: Yes, but our current profit margin of about 20% is not too bad.

Sean: Many restaurants lose money or barely break even.

Restaurant Owner: Right.

3. Vocabulary & Listening Tips

customer: 손님, 고객

depend on ~: ~에 달려 있다

current: 현재의

profit margin: 이윤[이익] 폭

break even: (사업 등이) 본전치기를 하다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> lose와 loose의 발음 차이

> 발음 방법: lose는 /lu:z/, loose는 /lu:s/ 로 소리냄.

Did you lose the game?

I don't want to lose you.

Who wants to lose his job?

These pants are too loose.

Look at this loose skin.

I have a few loose screws to tighten.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 사람이 더 많겠네요.

Step 1: There'll be more people.

Step 2: 더워지면 사람이 더 많겠네요.

Step 2: There'll be more people when it gets hot.

Step 3: 더워지면 사람이 더 많을 것 같아요.

Step 3: I guess there'll be more people when it gets hot.

Step 4: 비가 오면 사람들이 더 적게 올 것 같은데요.

Step 4: I guess there'll be less people when it rains.

6. 짤막 Tip

profit and loss

> profit: '이익'

> loss: '손실, 손해액'

> gross profit


> net profit

(순이익, 순수 이익)

>  pretax profit

(세전 이익)

> make a profit of ~

(얼마 정도의 이익을 내다)

> great loss, big loss

(손실을 크게 입은 것)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework