영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.10 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 10. 09:30

1. Speaking Drill

Can I ask ~? : ~을 여쭤 봐두[부탁드려도] 될까요?

Can I ask here about your door-to-door moving service?

Can I ask for the directions?

Can I ask about your promotion?

Can I ask for some help?

right : 맞는, 올바른

We pack, unpack and put everything its right place.

Put it in its right place.

That's not the right answer.

Now I think you're on the right track.

as well : 역시, 또한

Do you clean up the house as well?

Were you invited as well?

Do you want to throw that away as well?

The planet has oxygen, oceans and rainfall as well.

2. Model Dialogue

Helen: Can I ask here about your door-to-door moving service?

Clerk: Sure. When do you want to move?

Helen: Next month. August 10th, to be exact. Should I pack my belongings before you come?

Clerk: No, you don't have to. We pack, unpack and put everything in its right place.

Helen: Do you clean up the house as well?

Clerk: Yes, we do.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

door-to-door moving service: 포장 이사

to be exact: 정확하게 말하자면

belongings: 짐, 소지품

pack: 짐을 싸다

unpack: 짐을 풀다

clean up: 청소하다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> v의 발음을 정확한 입 모양으로 연습

> 발음 방법: 윗니가 아랫입술에 닿게 해서 소리 냄

Are you going to move.

I'm satisfied with their service.

How naive!

Did you save the file?

Please leave me alone.

I prefer wavy hair.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 저희가 짐을 쌉니다.

Step 1: I pack.

Step 2: 저희가 짐을 싸고 풀어 드립니다.

Step 2: I pack, unpack.

Step 3: 저희가 짐을 싸고 풀고 모든 걸 원래 있던 자리에 놓아 드립니다.

Step 3: I pack, unpack and put everything in its right place.

Step 4: 저희가 세탁물을 수거하고 세탁해서 댁으로 가져다 드립니다.

Step 4: We take the laundry, do the laundry and bring it back to your house.

6. 짤막 Tip

move의 쓰임

> 의미: '움직이다', '이사하다' 2가지의 의미

> The earth moves around the sun.

(지구가 태양의 주위를 돈다.)

> move about

(이리저리 돌아다닌다.)

>move into a new house

(새로운 집으로 이사를 하다)

> move about

(이사를 자주 다닌다 할 때)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework