Eash english - 13.07.11 학습
1. Speaking Drill
miss ~ : ~를 놓치다
I missed my connecting flight.
Did you miss the shuttle bus.
Did you miss the last bus again?
Let's run! I don't want to miss the flight.
because of ~ : ~ 때문에
That was because of the mechanical problem on Flight 523, right?
The misunderstanding was because of me.
The picnic was canceled because of bad weather.
A lot of women like him because of his great personality.
provide ~ : ~를 제공하다, 마련해 주다
We'll provide a hotel room for you.
Do you provide housing?
We'll provide you with a room and food.
I hope a better environment will be provided for the kids.
2. Model Dialogue
Staff: How can I help you?
Roy: I missed my connecting flight.
Staff: Oh, that was because of the mechanical problem on Flight 523, right?
Roy: That's right.
Staff: I'm afraid the next available flight is tomorrow.
Roy: Tomorrow? Oh, no...
Staff: We'll provide a hotel room for you.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
connecting flight: 연결 항공편
mechanical: 기계적인
available: 이용할 수 있는, 가능한
misunderstanding: 오해
housing: 숙박
his great personality: 좋은 성격
the next available flight: 다음 항공편
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> f의 발음 연습
> 발음 방법: 윗니가 아랫입술에 닿게 해서 소리냄
Stop fighting.
What time is your flight?
It's five to ten.
That doesn't sound fair.
Forget about it.
I have a fear of heights.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 그거 ~때문이었죠?
Step 1: That was because of...?
Step 2: 그거 기계적인 문제 때문이었죠?
Step 2: That was because of the mechanical problem?
Step 3: 그거 523편의 기계적인 문제 때문이었죠?
Step 3: That was because of the mechanical problem on Flight 523?
Step 4: 연착은 폭우 때문이었죠?
Step 4: The delay was because of the heavy rain?
6. 짤막 Tip
provide의 쓰임
> 의미: '어떤 것을 제공하다, 주다, 갖추어 주다' 의 뜻
> provide + 사람/사물 with something (채워 주거나 줄 것)
> provide + something (채워 주거나 줄 것) + 사람/사물
> provide you with a room and food
> provide a room and food for you.
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
I hope a better environment will be provided for the kids.
(아이들에게 더 좋은 환경이 마련되면 좋겠어요.)
Do you provide housing?
I have a fear of heights.
That was because of the mechanical problem on Flight 523, right?
The delay was because of the heavy rain?
9. Homework