영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.17 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 17. 09:54

1. Speaking Drill

memorize : 외우다, 암기하다

I can't memorize all this vocabulary.

Did you memorize it?

I'm not good at memorizing numbers.

Do you have a good way to memorize English words?

be familiar with ~ : ~에 익숙하다, ~를 잘 알다

Write down the words you are not familiar with.

I'm not familiar with this area.

Mike is getting familiar with Korean culture.

Now I'm familiar with the system of my new smart phone.

It'll be easier to ~. : ~하는 게 더 쉽겠다.

It'll be easier to memorize the words from the book.

It'll be easier to do this.

It'll be easier to understand what's wrong.

It'll be easier to make friends at a small school.

2. Model Dialogue

Mike: Mom, I can't memorize all this vocabulary.

Helen: Then why don't you make a list of the words from your book?

Mike: That sounds more interesting.

Helen: Write down the works you are not familiar with.

Mike: Okay. It'll be easier to memorize the words from the book.

Helen: You can have fun with your friends after that.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

Vocabulary: 단어, 어휘

make a list of: ~를 적다, 정리하다

sound: ~인 것 같다

write down: ~를 적다

memorize: 외우다, 암기하다

have fun with ~: ~와 놀다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> th가 유성음으로 발음되는 소리 연습

> 발음 방법: 혀를 윗니와 아랫니 사이로 살짝 내밀었다가 당기면서 소리냄

Let's get together sometime.

They don't like each other.

He's my younger brother.

Can I have one of these?

My mother is not really demanding.

Breathe in and out slowly.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~하는 게 더 쉽겠어요.

Step 1: It'll be easier to...

Step 2: 단어들을 외우는 게 더 쉽겠어요.

Step 2: It'll be easier to memorize the words.

Step 3: 책에서 뽑은 단어들을 외우는 게 더 쉽겠어요.

Step 3: It'll be easier to memorize the words from the book.

Step 4: 수퍼마켓에서 먹을 것을 사는 게 더 쉽겠네요.

Step 4: It'll be easier to buy some food at the grocery store.

6. 짤막 Tip

familiar의 쓰임

> 의미: '어떤 것을 잘 아는, 친숙한' 이라는 뜻

> be familiar with + 지리/동네/이름/문화/음악 장르 등등

> I'm not familiar with this area.

(누가 길을 물었는데 이곳의 지리를 잘모르면)

> I'm not familiar with these kinds of camera.

(이런 카메라는 잘 다루지 못한다 라고 말할 때)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

Do you have a good way to memorize English words?

(영어 단어를 외울 수 있는 좋은 방법을 아세요?)

I'm not familiar with this area.

Mike is getting familiar with Korean culture.

It'll be easier to do this.

Then why don't you make a list of the words from your book?

That sounds more interesting.

(그게 더 재미 있겠네요.)

Write down the works you are not familiar with.

You can have fun with your friends after that.

Let's get together sometime.

(언제 한번 모입시다.)

Can I have one of these?

My mother is not really demanding.

Breathe in and out slowly.

9. Homework