Easy english - 13.07.18 학습
1. Speaking Drill
put 무엇 on 어디 : 무엇을 어디 위에 올리다
Please put your baggage on the scale.
I put your phone on the table.
Please put this book on the shelf.
I put your suitcase on top of the closet.
allowance : 허용치
It weighs a lot more than the weight allowance.
It's more than the allowance.
What's the duty-free allowance?
I had no idea about the baggage allowance.
policy : 규정, 방침
That's our policy.
Honesty is the best policy.
We're going to adopt a new policy.
That's the policy of the insurance company.
2. Model Dialogue
Staff: Please put your baggage on the scale.
Roy: Okay. Here you go.
Staff: Oh, it weighs a lot more than the weight allowance.
Roy: Then what should I do?
Staff: You have to pay 50 dollars more.
Roy: 50 dollars? That's a lot!
Staff: I'm sorry, sir. That's our policy.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
baggage: 짐, 수하물
scale: 저울
weigh: 무게가 ~이다
a lot: 훨씬; 많음, 많이
weight: 무게
pay: 내다, 지불하다
policy: 규정, 방침
the baggage allowance: 수하물 제한량
monthly allowance: 한 달 용돈
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> 조동사 should와 could의 발음 연습
> 발음 방법: 너무 /우/ 소리를 강하게 내지 않도록하고, /으/에 가깝게 내도록 연습
They should change the rule.
You should follow the rule here.
We should be really careful.
I could get some help.
They could say no to our proposal.
You could use my cell phone.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 무게가 ~만큼 나가네요.
Step 1: It weights...
Step 2: 무게가 훨씬 더 나가네요.
Step 2: It weights a lot more.
Step 3: 무게가 허용치보다 훨씬 더 나가네요.
Step 3: It weights a lot more than the weight allowance.
Step 4: 네 몸무게가 내가 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 더 나가는구나.
Step 4: It weights a lot more than I thought.
6. 짤막 Tip
allowance의 쓰임
> 의미: '허용치, 수당, 용돈' 등의 뜻을 가짐
> monthly allowance
(한 달 용돈)
> I spent all of my monthly allowance.
(내가 이달 용돈을 다 써 버렸다면)
> Please give me more allowance.
(용돈을 좀 더 달라고 조를 때)
> decrease my allowance
(내 용돈을 깍는 건)
> increase my allowance
(내 용돈을 올리는 건)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
I put your suitcase on top of the closet.
It weighs a lot more than the weight allowance.
It's more than the allowance.
(이건 허용치를 넘었네요.)
What's the duty-free allowance?
Honesty is the best policy.
(정직이 최선의 방책이다.)
We're going to adopt a new policy.
Here you go.
That's a lot!
(너무 많네요!)
You have to pay 50 dollars more.
(50달러를 더 내셔야 합니다.)
You should follow the rule here.
I could get some help.
They could say no to our proposal.
You could use my cell phone.
9. Homework