영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.19 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 19. 09:52

1. Speaking Drill

be good at -ing : ~에 능숙하다, ~를 잘하다

I didn't know you were good at listening to others.

I'm good at calculating.

They're good at negotiating.

You seem to be good at persuading people.

listen to ~ : ~의 말을 

I don't really listen to them.

Are you listening to me?

I'm sorry, but I wasn't listening to you.

If you listen to him carefully, you will learn a lot about life.

There's more ~. : ~가 더 많다.

There's more that you have to do!

There's more that I've got to do.

There's more that you can do about it.

There's more that to something than meets the eye.

2. Model Dialogue

Barbara: Jake, how do you like your new job?

Jake: I'm really enjoying it. It's good fit for me.

Barbara: I didn't know you were good at listening to others.

Jake: Well, I don't really listen to them. I just say, "Yes, yes, oh, really?"

Barbara: Oh, my... you're working at a service center. So there's more that you have to do.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

How do you like ~?: ~는 어때?

enjoy: 즐겁게 하다, 즐기다

fit: 어울리는 것, 맞는 것

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> /nt/가 /n/처럼 소리 나는 단어들 연습

> 발음 방법: /n/의 영향으로 /nt/가 /n/으로 발음됨

Do you need a new printer?

Let's ask the person at the counter.

English is an international language.

You mean the guy in the center?

It's 10 centimeters long.

It's a cultural encounter.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~라는 거 몰랐어.

Step 1: I didn't know...

Step 2: 네가 ~를 잘하는지 몰랐어.

Step 2: I didn't know that you were good at...

Step 3: 네가 다른 사람들의 말을 들어 주는 걸 잘하는지 몰랐어.

Step 3: I didn't know that you were good at listening to others.

Step 4: 네가 암기와 계산을 잘하는지 몰랐어.

Step 4: I didn't know you were good at memorizing and calculating.

6. 짤막 Tip

fit의 쓰임

> 의미: '어울리다, 맞다, 적합하다' 등의 뜻

> Oh, this dress fits me.

(몸매와 체형에 잘 맞다는 말)

> 사람 is fit for 자리

(누가 어떤 자리에 적임이다.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외우야 할 표현

You seem to be good at persuading people.

(너는 사람들을 잘 설득하는 것 같다.)

Are you listening to me?

I'm sorry, but I wasn't listening to you.

There's more that I've got to do.

There's more that you can do about it.

There's more that to something than meets the eye.

(눈에 보이는 것보다 더 많은 것들이 있어.)

How do you like your new job?

 I'm really enjoying it.

It's good fit for me.

There's more that you have to do.

He is fit for manager.

(그는 관리자 자리에 적임이다.)

9. Homework