영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.24 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 24. 09:49

1. Speaking Drill

concentrate on ~ : ~에 집중하다

How come you aren't concentrating on your studies lately?

Let's concentrate on it.

I'm trying to concentrate on my work.

The color blue can help you concentrate on your work.

pretty : 꽤, 아주

That's pretty normal at your age.

That's pretty reasonable.

I'm pretty short of money these days.

Well, this is pretty much the same to me.

~ kind of ... : ~종류의 ...

Did you experience this kind of confusion?

What kind of rumor did you hear?

I love all kinds of chocolates.

You can enjoy all kinds of fun games using it.

2. Model Dialogue

Helen: Becky, how come you aren't concentrating on your studies lately?

Becky: Mom, I'm really confused about my future.

Helen: What do you mean?

Becky: I don't know what I'm good at or what I want to do.

Helen: That's pretty normal at your age.

Becky: Did you experience this kind of confusion?

Helen:Of course.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

lately: 최근에, 요새

be confused about ~: ~에 대해 혼란스러워 하다

normal: 평범한, 정상적인

age: 나이, 연령

confusion: 혼란, 혼돈

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> 단어의 강세에 주의하면서 연습

> 발음 방법: 강세를 두는 부분을 흉내 내면서 따라하기

I can't concentrate on my work.

I've never experienced it before.

I'm really confused.

It only creates confusion.

That's pretty normal for youngsters.

I'm very excited about my future.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 너 어째서 ~한 거니?

Step 1: How come...

Step 2: 너 어째서 공부에 집중하지 않는 거니?

Step 2: How come you aren't concentrating on your studies?

Step 3: 너 어째서 요즘 공부에 집중하지 않는 거니?

Step 3: How come you aren't concentrating on your studies lately?

Step 4: 너 왜 요즘 나한테 자주 전화하지 않는 거니?

Step 4: How come you don't call me so often lately?

6. 짤막 Tip

how come과 why

> why와는 달리 '왜, 어째서 놀라운데?' 라는 의외로 놀랍다는 의미

> How come a lovely lady like you are still single and don't have a boyfriend?

(왜 너 같은 괜찮은 싱글녀가 아직도 애인도 없이 혼자일까?)

> why는 의무문 어순

> how come은 평서문 어순 (How come + 주어 + 동사 ~?)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

The color blue can help you concentrate on your work.

That's pretty normal at your age.

(그건 네 나이에 지극히 당연한 거야.)

That's pretty reasonable.

(그거 꽤 일리가 있네요.)

Well, this is pretty much the same to me.

(글쎄, 나한테는 이게 아주 비슷해 보이네.)

You can enjoy all kinds of fun games using it.

(이걸 이용하면 모든 종류의 재미있는 게임을 즐길 수 있지.)

I don't know what I'm good at or what I want to do.

I've never experienced it before.

It only creates confusion.

(그건 혼란만 야기할 뿐이야.)

That's pretty normal for youngsters.

(그건 젊은이들에게 지극히 당연한 거야.)

9. Homework