영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.26 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 26. 09:48

1. Speaking Drill

a mess : 엉망진창인 것[상태]

It was a terrible mess.

If you make a mess, you need to clean it up.

Why do I have to clean up the mess?

My little brother made such a big mess again.

Is this really ~? : 이게 정말 ~예요?

Is this really the same room I used to live in?

Is this really true?

Is this really 50% off?

Is this really what you want?

Don't ~ any more. : 더 이상은 ~하지 마라.

Don't mess up your room any more.

Don't lie to me any more.

Don't procrastinate any more.

Don't spend a long time in the hot sun any more.

2. Model Dialogue

Jake: Mom, did you clean up my room?

Mother: Yes, it was a terrible mess.

Jake: Oh, is this really the same  room I used to live in?

Mother: Don't mess up your room any more.

Jake: Wait! I can't find my bag and my pants. I think I should mess up my room again.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

clean up: 청소하다, 정리하다

used to ~ : 예전에는 ~였다

mess up: 어지럽히다

lie to me: 나한테 거짓말하다

procrastinate :뒤로 미루다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> terrible과 terrific의 발음 구별 연습

> 주의점: 강세가 다름

That sounds terrible.

The traffic conditions were terrible.

I'm in a terrible situation now.

You've done a terrific job!

This car has terrific handling.

You look terrific today!

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 이게 정말 ~예요?

Step 1: Is this really...?

Step 2: 이게 정말 같은 방이에요?

Step 2: Is this really the same room?

Step 3: 이게 정말 제가 살던 방이에요?

Step 3: Is this really the same room I used to live in?

Step 4: 이게 정말 제가 쓰던 그 컴퓨터 맞아요?

Step 4: Is this really the same computer I used to use?

6. 짤막 Tip

up의 쓰임

> 의미: 동사 뒤에 써서 강조하는 의미를 더해줌

> eat up

(먹어 치우다)

> finish up

(완전히 끝내다)

> clean up

(청소를 완전히 다 해 버리다)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

It was a terrible mess.

If you make a mess, you need to clean it up.

My little brother made such a big mess again.

Is this really the same room I used to live in?

Is this really true?

Is this really 50% off?

Is this really what you want?

Don't lie to me any more.

Don't procrastinate any more.

I think I should mess up my room again.

(다시 방을 어질러야 할 것 같아요.)

That sounds terrible.

(그거 끔찍하네.)

The traffic conditions were terrible.

I'm in a terrible situation now.

You've done a terrific job!

This car has terrific handling.

You look terrific today!

9. Homework