영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.07.30 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 7. 30. 09:22

1. Speaking Drill

How did ~ go? : ~는 어떻게 되었나요?, 어떻게 됐어?

How did the meeting go about outsourcing?

How did the negotiation go?

How did your blind date go?

How did the surgery go?

draw up ~ : ~를 작성하다

I'll draw up the contract.

Please draw up the document.

We'll draw up a draft of the contract.

We need to get together to draw up an agenda.

Let me call ~. : 제가 ~에게 전화를 할게요.

Let me call the company to arrange another meeting.

Let me call her.

Let me call them first.

Let me call the manger for some help.

2. Model Dialogue

Cindy: How did the meeting go about outsourcing?

Sean: I just got the go-ahead on it.

Cindy: Great. I'll draw up the contract.

Sean: Okay. Let me call the company to arrange another meeting.

Cindy: Do you have their certificate of business registration?

Sean: Yes, I do.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

go-ahead: 승인, 인가

contract: 계약서

arrange: 준비하다, 주선하다, 마련하다

certificate of business registration: 사업자 등록증

get together: 모이다

the person in charge: 담당자

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

> /si/와 /si:/의 발음 연습

> 주의점: 우리말의 /씨/가 되지 않도록 주의

I'm thinking about outsourcing.

Can you see the difference?

I love singing and dancing.

Would you like some seafood?

What's your favorite season?

It's pretty simple.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 제가 ~에게 전화를 할게요.

Step 1: Let me call...

Step 2: 제가 그 회사에 전화를 할게요.

Step 2: Let me call the company.

Step 3: 제가 다시 만날 일정을 잡기 위해 그 회사에 전화를 할게요.

Step 3: Let me call the company to arrange another meeting.

Step 4: 제가 담당자에게 전화를 해 볼께요.

Step 4: Let me call the person in charge.

6. 짤막 Tip

outsource의 쓰임

> 의미: '외주 업체에게 맡기다' 라는 뜻

> outsource + 외주를 주는 일

> outsourcing jobs

(외주를 주는 일들)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

How did the meeting go about outsourcing?

How did the negotiation go?

How did your blind date go?

How did the surgery go?

Let me call the person in charge.

9. Homework