영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.14 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 14. 09:24

1. Speaking Drill

Can you tell me 의문사 + 주어 + 동사 (평서문 형태)? : ~좀 말해 줄 수 있니?

Can you tell me what you're planning to do?

Can you tell me what your plan is?

Can you tell me when you quit the job?
Can you tell me where you found this smart phone?

without -ing : ~하지 않고

Can't you do that without taking a year off?

My mother entered without knocking.

Do you travel without carrying enough cash?
We just walked along the street without saying a word.

help 누구 to ~ : 누가 ~하는 것을 돕다

Do you want me to help you to improve your speaking ability?

Let me help you to stand me up.

Please help your daughter to realize her dream.

My friends helped me to get over the terrible situation.

2. Model Dialogue

John: So, you're thinking about taking a year off?
Taylor: Yeah, but it's not easy to decide.

John: Can you tell me what you're planning to do?

Taylor: I wan to get a high English score.

John: Can't you do that without taking a year off?

Taylor: I need some time to focus only on English.

John: Do you want me to improve your speaking ability?

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

take a year off: 1년 쉬다, 휴학하다

decide: 정하다, 결정하다

plan to ~: ~하려고 계획하다

score: 점수

focus on ~: ~에 집중하다, 주력하다

improve: 향상시키다, 올리다

ability: 능력

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

s나 z에서 나는 /z/ 소리를 발음연습

That's not easy to do.

That sound makes me crazy.

Stop teasing me.

I feel a little dizzy.

I hate this buzzing sound.

Have you ever been to Louisiana?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 내가 ~해 줄까?

Step 1: Do you want me to...?

Step 2: 내가 ~하는 거 도와줄까?

Step 2: Do you want me to help you to...?

Step 3: 내가 말하기 실력 향상시키는 거 도와줄까?

Step 3: Do you want me to help you to improve your speaking ability?

6. 짤막 tip

take ~ off 와 have ~ off 표현 차이점

> '얼마 동안의 기간을 쉬다' 라고 할 때 쓰는 표현

take ~ off

> '그 기간 동안 쉬기로 하는 행동'을 의미

> I'll take a day off tomorrow.

(나 내일 하루 쉴래.)

have ~ off

> '그 기간 동안 쉬기로 되어 있는 사실'을 의미 

> I have a day off tomorrow.

(나 내일 하루 쉬어, 쉬기로 했어.)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

9. Homework.