영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.16 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 16. 09:32

1. Speaking Drill

available : 이용할 수 있는, 시간 낼 수 있는

Is it still available?

It's available in red.

Are these pants available in my size?

Are you available for dinner tomorrow night?

Feel free to ~. : 편한게 ~하세요.

Feel free to come over and give it a test drive.

Feel free to call me.

Feel free to come by anytime.

Feel free to use my car if yours is in the shop.

drop by : 들르다

I'll drop by with my friend of mine.

I'll drop by now.

Do you mind if I drop by now?

I'll drop by your office tomorrow afternoon.

2. Model Dialogue

(on the phone)

Helen: Hi, I'm calling about the second-hand car. Is it available?

Seller: Oh, yes. Feel free to come over and give it a test drive.

Helen: How many kilometers does it have?
Seller: It has 55,000 kilometers.

Helen: Has it had any accident?

Seller: Only one or two fender bender. Nothing serious.

Helen: All right. I'll drop by with my friend of mine. He's a mechanic.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

second-hand: 썼던, 중고의

available: 유용한, 이용할 수 있는

come over: 들르다

test drive: 시험 운전

accident: 사고

fender bender: 가벼운, 접촉 사고

drop by: 들르다

mechanic: 정비사

anytime: 언제든지

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

모음 /ɔ:/의 발음연습

Is this your office?

When can you call me?

I saw that guy at the concert.

We bought a new apartment.

Are you good at ball game?

It's a long story to tell.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 편하게 ~하세요.

Step 1: Feel free to...

Step 2: 편하게 들르세요.

Step 2: Feel free to come over.

Step 3: 편하게 러서 시운전해 보세요.

Step 3: Feel free to come over and give it a test drive.

6. 짤막 Tip

사람 / 사물 주어 + available

> 어떤 물건을 이용할 수 있다고 할 때도 쓰지만, 사람에게도 사용

>  I'm interested in him, but is he available?

(나 저 남자한테 마음이 있는데, 싱글인가?)

> No, he's not available. He's married.

(아니야, 저 사람 결혼했어.)

7. Comments & Practice

일반적인 형태: give it a + 명사

give it a test drive

> 4형식으로 it (car)에게 a test drive (시운전 한번)을 주다

> 의역하면 시운전해보다 

8. 외워야 할 표현

Is it still available?

Do you mind if I drop by now?

(지금 잠깐 들어도 될까?)

Feel free to come over and give it a test drive.

(편하게 오셔서 시운전해 보시죠.)

How many kilometers does it have?

Are you good at ball game?

It's a long story to tell.

(얘기하자면 길어.)

9. Homework