Easy english - 13.01.17 학습
1. Speaking Drill
Sorry to ~. : ~해서 미얀해.
Sorry to be late.
Sorry to call you so early.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Sorry to disturb your sleep.
make a noise : 소리를 내다, 소음을 내다
The neighbor in 1115 apartment is making all the noise.
Who made that strange noise?
His pet dog is making a loud noise again.
My children make a lot noise jumping around the apartment.
The 비교급 ~, the 비교급... : ~할수록 더 ...해.
The sooner he stops, the faster we can all go back to bed.
The sooner we marry, the happier I'll be.
The harder you study, the better your future will be.
The faster you finish your work, the sooner we can go home.
2. Model Dialogue
(on the phone)
Superintendent: Hello?
Roy: Sorry to disturb your sleep. My upstairs neighbor is using his treadmill.
Superintendent: After midnight? What apartment are you in?
Roy: I'm in apartment 1105. And the neighbor in 1115 is making all the noise.
Superintendent: I'll call 1115 and tell him to cut it out.
Roy: The sooner he stops, the faster we can all go back to bed.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
disturb: 귀찮게 하다
upstairs: 위층, 윗층의
neighbor: 이웃 사람
treadmill: 러닝머신
midnight: 자정
cut out: 그만하다
superintendent: (어떤 일・장소 등의) 관리자[감독관], 관리인
bearer: (특히 의식에서 무엇을) 나르는 사람, 운반인 (메시지 등의) 전달자
make a loud noise: 시끄러운 소리를 내다
make a lot of noise: 너무 시끄럽게 하다
make all the noise: 엄첨 시끄럽게 하다
go (back) to bed: (다시) 잠자리에 들다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
rt가 들어간 단어의 발음연습
My son is majoring in art.
This is the most important part.
Why don't you wearing a skirt?
He's an expert in this field.
Would you like some dessert?
I've got two concert tickets.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 더 빨리 그만둘수록, ~하죠.
Step 1: The sooner he stops, ...
Step 2: 더 빨리 그만둘수록, 우리 모두가 더 빨리 ~할 수 있죠.
Step 2: The sooner he stops, the faster we can all...
Step 3: 더 빨리 그만둘수록, 우리 모두가 더 빨리 다시 잠자리에 들 수 있죠.
Step 3: The sooner he stops, the faster we can all go back to bed.
6. 짤막 Tip
apartment 표현
> 주거 형태 중 하나인 아파트
> apartment complex (아파트 단지: 몇개의 동이 모여 있는)
> apartment building + 동 수 : '몇 동'을 의미
> apartment + 호 수: '몇 호'를 의미
> I live in apartment 1101 in apartment building 101.
(저희 집은 101동 11901호예요.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
(나쁜 소식을 전하게 돼서 미안하다.)
Sorry to disturb your sleep.
My children make a lot noise jumping around the apartment.
After midnight?
(자정 넘은 시간에요?)
What apartment are you in?
(몇 호시죠?)
I'm in apartment 1105. And the neighbor in 1115 is making all the noise.
I live in apartment 1101 in apartment building 101.
9. Homework