Easy english - 13.01.18 학습
1. Speaking Drill
be over : 끝나다
The exams are over.
Is the game over?
I can't wait until the school election is over.
Your life is not over just because you didn't enter the best school.
screw up : 망치다
I really screwed up my exams.
I screwed up the dinner.
He screwed up his carefully planned proposal.
I accidentally downloaded a virus and screwed up my computer.
take someone's mind off ~ : ~에 대한 생각을 잊어버리다
It will take your mind off your test.
It took my mind off my bad memories.
Watching a movie takes my mind off my problems.
Listening to music takes my mind off my money troubles.
2. Model Dialogue
Jake: Come on, Nancy, the exams are over. Eat something.
Nancy: I'm not hungry. I really screwed up my exams.
Jake: It's not the end of the world, and... Mmmmm...
Nancy: What's wrong?
Jake: You've got to try this chicken. It's so delicious.
Nancy: Aren't you worried about my scores?
Jake: Have just one bite. It will take your mind off your test.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
be over: 끝나다
screw up: 망치다
try: 시도하다, 맛보다
delicious: 맛있는
score: 점수
bite: 한 입
the school election: 학교 선거
accidentally: 실수로
my bad memories: 나쁜 기억
his carefully planned proposal: 잘 준비한 프로포즈
my money troubles: 금전적인 문제
fabulous: [fa-byə-ləs] (비격식) 기막히게 좋은[멋진], (격식) 엄청난, 굉장한
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
/s/ 소리 다음에 /k/ 소리가 이어지면 /k/의 소리가 강하게 발음
I screwed it up.
My scale is broken.
You're so skinny.
Let me check my schedule.
Have you ever tried skydiving?
Let's go skiing.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 한 입만 먹어 봐.
Step 1: Have just one bite.
Step 2: 한 입만 먹어 보면, ~생각은 싹 없어질 거야.
Step 2: Have just one bite then it will take your mind off...
Step 3: 한 입만 먹어 보면, 시험 생각은 싹 없어질 거야.
Step 3: Have just one bite then it will take your mind off your test.
6. 짤막 Tip
맛있는 음식을 먹었을 때 표현
> It's yummy.
> It's delicious.
> It's fabulous.
> It's out of the world!
(맛이 예술이야!)
7. Comments & Practice
You've got to try this chicken.
8. 외워야 할 표현
Is the game over?
I can't wait until the school election is over.
He screwed up his carefully planned proposal.
It's not the end of the world.
(그렇다고 세상이 끝난 것도 아니잖아.)
Have just one bite.
It's yummy.
It's fabulous.
It's out of the world!
9. Homework