영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.22 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 22. 09:31

1. Speaking Drill

the right place to ~ : ~하기에 딱 좋은 곳

Is this the right place to buy a highpass?

What's the right place to put this?

This is definitely the right place to study.

Is that company the right place to start your career?

How much does it coast to ~? : ~하는 데 얼마나 들어?

How much does it cost to have it installed?

How much does it cost to have this fixed?

How much does it coat to study aboard for a year?

How much does it cost to go on vacation to Hawaii?

automatically : 자동으로

Money will automatically transferred on it from your bank account.

The gas automatically turns off.

The lights automatically go on at nightfall.

The door automatically opens as you approach it.

2. Model Dialogue

Sean: Excuse me. Is this the right place to buy a highpass?

Attendant: Oh, step over to the traveler's area.

Sean: Fine. How much does it cost to have it installed?

Attendant: It costs 30,000 won. We could have it put on your car today.

Sean: One more question. How do I deposit the money on the highpass?

Attendant: Money will automatically transferred on it from your account.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

right: 맞는

highpass: 하이패스

step over: 건너가다, 가다

cost: 비용이 들다

deposit: 예치하다

automatically: 자동으로

bank account: 은행 계좌

start your career: 경력을 시작하다

go on vacation: 휴가를 가다

go on: (불·전기 등이) 들어오다

at nightfall: 해질녘에

robot cleaner: 로봇 청소기

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

r로 시작하는 단어나 음절의 소리를 연습

You're totally right.

Why are rabbit's eyes red?

This is a rare case.

I finally found out the reason.

I really need a robot cleaner.

I don't remember what time I got home.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 돈이 자동으로 충전될 겁니다.

Step 1: Money will automatically transferred.

Step 2: 돈이 거기로 자동으로 충전될 겁니다.

Step 2: Money will automatically transferred on it.

Step 3: 돈이 은행 계좌에서 거기로 자동으로 충전될 겁니다.

Step 3: Money will automatically transferred on it from your bank account.

6. 짤막 Tip

사역 동사 have

> have something + p.p

> '어떤 것이 되게 시키다'의 뜻

> 내가 하는 게 아니고, 남에게 해 달라고 하는 것 이기에 사역동사를 씀

> How much does it coast to install it? (X)

> How much does it cost to have it installed? (O)

(그거 장착하는데 얼마나 들어요?)

> How much does it cost to have it fixed?

(그거 고치는 데 얼마나 들어요?)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

What's the right place to put this?

This is definitely the right place to study.

The lights automatically go on at nightfall.

The door automatically opens as you approach it.

We could have it put on your car today.

9. Homework