영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.23 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 23. 09:26

1. Speaking Drill

get mad : 화를 내다

Don't get mad.

Do you get mad easily?

He got mad at me for calling too often.

Don't get mad at me for telling you this.

Is there any way ~? : ~할 수 있는 방법이 없을까요?

Is there any way you can just trust me?

Is there any way you'd go out with me?

Is there any way I could borrow you class notes?

Is there any way we could take a day off tomorrow?

I should have never p.p. : ~하지 말았어야 했는데.

Oh, Jim, I should have never doubted you.

I should have never said that.

I should have never gotten in the middle.

I should have never lent him money.

2. Model Dialogue

Helen: Jim, your credit bill this month is huge!

Jim: Don't get mad. It was supposed to be a surprise.

Helen: It is a surprise; a very unpleasant one.

Jim: Is there any way you can just trust me?

Helen: No, tell me now.

Jim: Our 10th anniversary is coming up and I bought you a diamond ring.

Helen: Oh, Jim, I should have never doubted you.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

credit card bill: 신용 카드 명세서

huge: 막대한, 거대한

mad: 화가 난

surprise: 놀라운 것, 놀람

unpleasant: 불쾌한, 기분 나쁜

trust: 믿다

come up: 다가오다

doubt: 의심하다

get mad at me for ~: 내가 ~한다고 화내다

go out with 누구: 누구와 사귀다

class note: 수업 노트

take a day off: 하루(기간동안) 쉬다

get in the middle: 중간에 끼다.

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

/t/ 로 끝나는 단어에 모음 소리 /으/를 넣어서 발음 하지 않기

I need someone to trust.

That sounds a little unpleasant.

It's not good to doubt all the time.

Where's your blind date?

My dog is a little fat.

I'm in the mood for meat.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 우리 기념일이 다가오네요.

Step 1: Our anniversary is coming up.

Step 2: 우리 기념일이 다가오길래, 당신 주려고 ~를 샀어요.

Step 2: Our anniversary is coming up and I bought you...

Step 3: 우리 기념일이 다가오길래, 당신 주려고 다이아몬드 반지를 샀어요.

Step 3: Our anniversary is coming up and I bought you a diamond ring.

6. 짤막 Tip

should have p.p. 표현

> '~했어야 했는데, (안했다)' 라는 의미

> 반대 표현 shouldn't have p.p. 또는 should have never p.p. 표현

> 누가 나에게 선물을 주었을 때, 응답으로 '어머, 안 그러셔도 되는데......' 라고 할 때 표현

> You shouldn't have. 라고 합니다.

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

Don't get mad at me for telling you this.

Is there any way we could take a day off tomorrow?

It was supposed to be a surprise.

Our 10th anniversary is coming up.

That sounds a little unpleasant.

It's not good to doubt all the time.

I'm in the mood for meat.

9. Homework