Easy english - 13.01.24 학습
1. Speaking Drill
Could you please ~? : ~해 줄 수 있어요?
Hey, could you please remove that window sticker?
Could you please listen to me?
Could you please hand me the kimchi?
Could you please tell me what I'm doing here?
after a visit to ~ : ~에 갔다 와서
After a visit to my friend's apartment, I found it there.
After a visit to the mall, I was exhausted.
After a visit to the zoo, my children couldn't stop talking about animals.
After a visit to my friend's house, I decide to redecorate my own house.
You're lucky to ~. : ~하다니 넌 운이 좋아.
Oh, you're lucky your car wasn't towed away.
You're lucky to have such loyal friends.
You're lucky to have such a happy marriage.
You're lucky to have such good seats at the concert.
2. Model Dialogue
Roy: Hey, could you please remove that window sticker?
Attendant: That cost a bit extra. But I'll do that for free today because you're a regular customer.
Roy: Oh, thank you.
Attendant: How did you get the "no parking here" sticker anyway?
Roy: After a visit to my friend's apartment, I found it there.
Attendant: Oh, you're lucky your car wasn't towed away.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
remove: 없애다, 제거하다
extra: 추가로, 더
for free: 공짜로
regular customer: 단골손님
anyway: 어쨌든
lucky: 운이 좋은
be towed away: 견인차에 끌려가다
window sticker: 창문에 붙은 스티커
hand me the kimchi: 김치를 건내 주다
exhausted: 녹초가 되다
the mall: 쇼핑몰
redecorate: 새로 꾸미다
my own house: 우리 집
loyal friends: 의리 있는 친구들
happy marriage: 행복한 결혼 생활
the "no parking here" sticker: 주차금지 스티커
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
무성음 th의 소리 발음연습
Thank you so much.
What's that scar on you thigh from?
It's almost the end of the month.
My sister is thirty-two years old.
That sounds thrilling.
Happy birthday to you!
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~에 갔따 와서,
Step 1: After a visit to...
Step 2: 친구네 집에 갔따 와서,
Step 2: After a visit to my friend's apartment, ...
Step 3: 친구네 집에 갔따 와서, 나는 거기 있는 걸 발견했어요.
Step 3: After a visit to my friend's apartment, I found it there.
6. 짤막 Tip
You're lucky. 표현
> '운이 좋다' 라는 뜻
> You're lucky to ~.: ~해서 운이 좋다.
> Your'e lucky to have such a good son.
(넌 참 효자 아들을 둬서 운이 좋다.)
> You're lucky to have such a good daughter.
(넌 참 효녀 딸을 둬서 운이 좋다.)
> You're luck + 주어 + 동사: ~해서 운이 좋다
> I'm lucky I can work here.
(난 여기서 일할 수 있으니 운이 좋아.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Could you please listen to me?
After a visit to my friend's house, I decide to redecorate my own house.
That cost a bit extra.
What's that scar on you thigh from?
It's almost the end of the month.
That sounds thrilling.
9. Homework