영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.25 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 25. 09:33

1. Speaking Drill

withdraw cash / money : 현금을 인출하다, 뽑다

Did you just withdraw cash from that ATM?

I withdrew some cash.

I withdrew the cash to pay you back.

Did you withdraw enough money for the weekend trip?

be in a hurry : 바쁘다, 서두르다

I'm in a hurry.

I'm in such a hurry.

Don't be in such a hurry, you might trip and fall.

Why are you in such a hurry to leave the office today?

might like to ~ : ~하고 싶을지도 모른다

You might like to know you forgot to take your money.

They might like to go skiing.

I might like to eat some dessert.

You might like to change your clothes before someone sees you.

2. Model Dialogue

Passerby: Hey! Stop. Stop.

Jake: What's the matter?

Passerby: Did you just withdraw cash from that ATM?

Jake: Yeah, what's your point? I'm in a hurry.

Passerby: You might like to know you forgot to take your money.

Jake: (embarrassed) Thank you very much. I'm sorry if I was curt with you.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

withdraw: (현금 등을) 인출하다 withdraw - withdrew - withdrawn

cash: 현금

point: 요점

curt with ~: ~에게 퉁명스러운

pay you back: 돈을 갑다

the weekend trip: 주말 여행

trip발을 헛디딤[곱디딤], 곱드러짐

trip and fall: 걸려 넘어지다

leave the office: 퇴근하다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

ch로 끝나는 단어의 발음에 /이/ 소리를 넣어서 발음 하지 않기

That's easy to catch.

Thank you very much.

Nice match!

Please watch your speed.

I was impressed by your speech.

This is a peach pie.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 방금 ~하셨어요?

Step 1: Did you just...?

Step 2: 방금 현금 인출하셨어요?

Step 2: Did you just withdraw cash?

Step 3: 방금 저 ATM에서 현금 인출하셨어요?

Step 3: Did you just withdraw cash from that ATM?

6. 짤막 Tip

'퉁명스럽게 굴다' 표현

> 쉽게 떠오르지 않는 표현인데? 비슷한 표현을 먼저 써보자

> 정확하게 '퉁명스럽게 굴다' 에 맞지는 않지만, '무례하고 버릇없다' 는 뜻으로

> rude, not polite 를 쓸 수 있음

> be curt with ~

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

I'm in such a hurry.

Don't be in such a hurry, you might trip and fall.

You might like to change your clothes before someone sees you.

What's the matter?

(왜 그러시는데요?)

Did you just withdraw cash from that ATM?

I'm sorry if I was curt with you.

That's easy to catch.

(그거 알아듣기 쉽네.)

Nice match!

(잘 어울리네!)

I was impressed by your speech.

(당신의 연설을 듣고 감동받았어요.)

9. Homework