Easy english - 13.01.28 학습
1. Speaking Drill
go on a diet : 다이어트를 하다
Want to go on a diet together?
I'll go on a diet starting tomorrow.
Go one a diet, but also exercise daily.
How many times have you gone on a diet this year?
keep the weight off : 체중을 유지하다
It's keep the weight off.
It's difficult to keep the weight off.
Keep the weight off and you'll feel better about yourself.
He eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep the weight off.
have a better chance of ~ : ~하기에 더 나은 기회를 갖다, ~할 가능성이 더 많다
But we have a better chance of succeeding together.
Dress well and you'll have a chance better of finding a job.
Smile more often and you'll have a better chance of making friends.
She has a better chance of getting into her 2nd choice of universities.
2. Model Dialogue
Taylor: I have been gaining a lot of weight lately.
Mary: Me too. Want to go on a diet together?
Taylor: Great idea! How much weight should we lose?
Mary: About 7 kg, but to do it we'll have to exercise every day.
Taylor: Actually, losing weight isn't the hard part. It's keeping the weight off.
Mary: But we have a better chance of succeeding together.
Taylor: Let's do it!.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
gain weight: 살이 찌다
lately: 요즘
together: 함께, 같이
exercise: 운동하다
lose weight: 살을 빼다
keep the weight off: 체중을 유지하다
succeed: 성공하다
starting tomorrow: 내일부터
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
/-tli/ 의 발음을 연습
Let's get in quietly.
I've been tired lately.
That's partly true.
He was dressed very neatly.
It's slightly cold today.
Let's get out of here immediately.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~하는게 쉽지 않아.
Step 1: It's not easy to...
Step 2: 체중을 유지하는게 쉽지 않아.
Step 2: It's not easy to keep the weight off.
Step 3: 살을 빼고 나서 체중을 유지하는게 쉽지 않아.
Step 3: It's not easy to keep the weight off after losing it.
6. 짤막 Tip
'살을 빼다 / 찌다' 의 표현
> lose weight
(살을 빼다)
> gain weight, put on weight
(살을 찌다)
> weight 앞에 my를 넣는 오류를 범하지 않도록 주의
> weight 앞에 some이나 숫자 kg 을 넣을 수 있음
> I want to lose some weight.
> I'll lose 3 kilograms this month.
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
I'll go on a diet starting tomorrow.
You'll feel better about yourself.
Dress well and you'll have a chance better of finding a job.
But to do it we'll have to exercise every day.
(그러려면 우리 매일 운동해야 할 거야.)
9. Homework