영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.29 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 29. 09:24

1. Speaking Drill

need a hand -ing : ~하는 데 도움이 필요하다

Need a hand changing it?

I need a hand carrying it.

He needed a hand cooking the meal.

She needed a hand finding her office on the first day.

I haven't p.p. : 난 ~해 본 적이 없어.

I haven't changed one before.

I haven't eaten this.

I haven't studied since college.

I haven't worn this kind of dress before.

should be ~ : ~할 것이다.

They should be in the trunk.

They should be almost done.

We should be arriving shortly.

I should be promoted to manager this month.

2. Model Dialogue

Sean: Hey, Lucy, what seems to be the problem?

Lucy: My car has a flat tire.

Sean: Need a hand changing it?

Lucy: Yes. Please. I haven't changed one before.

Sean: OK, pass me the spare tire, wrench and tire jack. They should be in the trunk.

Lucy: I can't thank you enough for the help.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

flat tire: 펑크 난 타이어

change: 교환하다, 교체하다

spare tire: 스페어타이어, 여분의 타이어

wrench: 렌치

tire jack: 타이어를 바꿀 때 쓰는 기구

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

s 다음에 p가 이어지면 p의 소리가 강하게 발음

I don't have a spare tire.

Do you speak Chinese?

I get a lot of spam.

Can I have an extra spoon?

Is this a bean sprout?

Hey, you spilled coffee on me!

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 나는 ~해 본 적이 없어.

Step 1: I haven't p.p....

Step 2: 나는 타이어를 갈아 본 적이 없어.

Step 2: I haven't changing a tire.

Step 3: 나는 전에 타이어를 갈아 본 적이 없어.

Step 3: I haven't changing a tire before.

5. 짤막 Tip

a hand 표현

> '도움' 의 뜻

> a hand라고 해야지, your hand, my hand라고 사용하면 안 됨.

> Please give me a hand.

(나 좀 도와줘.)

> Do you need a hand?

(내가 도와줄까?)

6. Comments & Practice

7. 외워야 할 표현

8. Homework