영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.01.30 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 1. 30. 09:59

1. Speaking Drill

get too close to ~ : ~에게 너무 가까이 가다

Please don't get too close to my poodle.

Don't get too close to me.

Don't get too close to the lion's cage.

He got too close to the frozen lake, even after I waned him not to.

That's a relief to ~. : ~해서 다행이야.

That's a relief to know.

That's a relief to hear.

That's a relief to find.

That's a relief to see him safe.

all the time : 늘, 항상

People ask me that all the time.

She plays the piano all the time.

He used to come to my house all the time.

My children go to the park all the time.

2. Model Dialogue

Passerby: Please don't get too close to my poodle.

Helen: Oh, don't worry. My dog is very well behaved.

Passerby: He has a loud bark though.

Helen: As they say "his bark worse than his bite." He never bites.

Passerby: That's a relief to know. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.

Helen: It's quite all right. People ask me that all the time.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

close: 가까운

behave: 예의 바르게 행동하다

loud: 큰, 시끄러운

bark: 잦은 소리

though: 그래도

bite: 물기; 물다

relief:  안도, 안심

all the time: 늘, 항상

the frozen lake: 얼어 버린 호수

very well behaved: 아주 얌전한

a loud bark: 짖는 소리가 엄청난

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

close는 형용사일 때는 /s/ 발음, 동사일 때는 /z/ 발음

She's my close friend.

Don't get too close to me.

I always want to be close to you.

Why don't you close the door?

Did you close this window?

Oh, the shop is closed today?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~하지 말아 주세요.

Step 1: Please don't...

Step 2: ~에 너무 가까이 오지 말아 주세요.

Step 2: Please don't get too close to...

Step 3: 제 푸들한테 너무 가까이 오지 말아 주세요.

Step 3: Please don't get too close to my poodle.

6. 짤막 Tip


> 동사: '닫다' 라는 뜻, /클로우즈/

> 형용사: '가까운' 이라는 뜻, /클로우스/, 비교급 closer /클로우서ㄹ/

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

He got too close to the frozen lake, even after I waned him not to.

That's a relief to know.

That's a relief to hear.

That's a relief to find.

That's a relief to see him safe.

As they say "his bark worse than his bite."

('물지는 않으면서 짖기만 요란하다'고들 하잖아요.)

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.

(마음이 상하지 않으셨으면 좋겠어요.)

It's quite all right.


Oh, the shop is closed today?

9. Homework