영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.02.01 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 2. 1. 09:52

1. Speaking Drill

enough ~ : 충분한 ~

Well, I get enough sleep.

Please drink enough water.

Did you get enough experience there?

Did you get enough information on your project?

I often 동사원형 : 저는 종종 ~해요.

I often watch horror movies.

I often daydream.

I often drop by the library.

I often call my parents to say hello.

try to 동사원형 : ~하려고 하다

Oh, try to do thing that help you relax instead.

Just try to be yourself.

I always try to look on the bright side.

We always try to make up right after we have an argument.

2. Model Dialogue

Jake: I'm not feeling well.

Doctor: What are your symptoms?

Jake: I have terrible headaches. And I grind my teeth.

Doctor: How are you sleeping?

Jake: Well, I get enough sleep.

Doctor: What do you usually do before going to bed?

Jake: I often watch horror movies.

Doctor: Oh, try to do things that help you relax instead.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

symptom: 증상

headache: 두통

grind: 갈다

teeth: 치아 (tooth의 복수형)

horror movie: 공포 영화

relax: 마음을 놓다, 긴장을 풀다

instead: 대신, 대신에

get sleep: 자다

get experience: 경험 하다

daydream: 몽상을 하다

drop by: 들르다

make up: 화해하다

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

-th로 끝나는 단어에 모음인 /으/ 소리를 넣어서 발은하지 않기.

Take care of your health.

Don't take that path.

(그 길로 가지 마.)

Hold your breath.

(숨을 참아.)

My son is good at math.

I'll take a bath.

I saw that movie last month.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: ~한 일을 하려고 해 봐.

Step 1: Try to do things...

Step 2: 너를 편안하게 해 주는 일을 하려고 해 봐.

Step 2: Try to do things that help you relax.

Step 3: 대신에 너를 편안하게 해 주는 일을 하려고 해 봐.

Step 3: Try to do things that help you relax instead.

6. 짤막 Tip

영화의 종류 표현

> horror movie (공포 영화)

> romantic comedies (로맨틱 코미디)

> thriller movies (스릴러물)

> sci-fi movies (science fiction: 공상 과학 영화)

> independent movies (독립 영화)

> low-budget movies (저예산 영화)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

Did you get enough experience there?

Did you get enough information on your project?

I often call my parents to say hello.

(저는 안부 인사를 드리려고 부모님께 종종 전화를 드려요.)

Oh, try to do thing that help you relax instead.

Just try to be yourself.

(그냥 너 답게 하려고 해 봐.)

I always try to look on the bright side.

(나는 늘 밝은 면을 보려고 노력해요.)

We always try to make up right after we have an argument.

(우리는 싸우고 나면 항상 바로 화해 하려고 애써요.)

I'm not feeling well.

I have terrible headaches. And I grind my teeth.

9. Homework