영어/Easy english

Easy english - 13.02.05 학습

이준이 아빠 2013. 2. 5. 09:30

1. Speaking Drill
Can you please 동사원형? : ~ 좀 해 줄래요?

Can you please move that box?

Can you please get me some water?

Can you please text me your address and phone number?

Can you please take back what you just said?

It's too ~. : 그건 너무 ~해.

Ugh, it's too heavy.

It's too dangerous.

It's too late to visit her.

It's too dark outside to play tennis.

Let's ~ together. : 우리 같이 ~합시다.

Let's lift it together.

Let's eat together.

Let's take a trip together.

Let's figure it out together.

2. Model Dialogue

Sean: Can you please move that box?

Cindy: Which box?

Sean: That one over there on the floor.

Cindy: Ugh. It's too heavy. I can't lift it.

Sean: Do you need a hand?

Cindy: Yes, please.

Sean: Okay, wait. Let's lift it together.

Cindy: Ouch, my back hurts. I think I better have it x-rayed.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

move: 옮기다, 들다

over there: 저기에 있는

floor: 바닥

heavy: 무거운

lift: 들다, 들어 올리다

hurt: 다치다, 아프다

take back: (사람이 상점에) ~을 반품하다; (상점에서) ~을 반품 받다[회수하다]; (자기가 한 말을) 취소[철회]하다

my back: 내 허리

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

r과 t가 이어지는 rt의 발음을 연습

Does it hurt a lot?

I'm really heart-broken.

We need an expert in this field.

Please insert the coin here.

I was amazed by the concert.

Would you like some dessert?

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 그건 너무 무거워.

Step 1: It's too heavy.

Step 2: 그건 너무 무거우니까 들자.

Step 2: It's too heavy  so let's lift it.

Step 3: 그건 너무 무거우니까 같이 들자.

Step 3: It's too heavy  so let's lift it together.

6. 짤막 Tip

lift 관련 표현

> 동사: '들어 올리다'

> lift a child (아이를 들어 올리다)

> 종종 up 을 함께 써씀

> lift up a chair

> lift up a child

> 꼭 아래에서 위로 올리는 것이 아니더라도, 들어서 내린다면

> lift a box down from the shelf

> 명사: '태워다 주는 것'

> lift: 영국에서 엘리베이터

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

Can you please get me some water?

Can you please take back what you just said?

It's too late to visit her.

Let's figure it out together.

(같이 해결해 봅시다.)

That one over there on the floor.

(저기, 바닥에 있는 저거요.)

Do you need a hand?

My back hurts.

I think I better have it x-rayed.

Does it hurt a lot?

I'm really heart-broken.

I was amazed by the concert.

9. Homework