Easy english - 13.02.06 학습
1. Speaking Drill
You have a lot of ~. : 너는 ~가 많구나.
Oh, you have a lot of plague.
You have a lot of books.
You have a lot of teddy bears and dolls.
You have a lot of things to throw away in your living room.
Why should I ~? : 제가 왜 ~해야 해요?
Why should I floss?
Why should I do this?
Why should I take care of this matter?
Why should I go there in person and attend the meeting?
help 동사원형 : ~하는데 도움이 되다
Flossing helps remove plague between the teeth.
Sleeping helps get rid of stress.
Walking helps make you feel better.
Drinking a lot of water helps help keep your body clean and healthy.
2. Model Dialogue
Dentist: Oh, you have a lot of plague.
Mike: I do?
Dentist: Yes. Do you floss?
Mike: No. I brush my teeth twice a day.
Dentist: Only twice a day? And a toothbrush can clean every area.
Mike: Why should I floss?
Dentist: Flossing helps remove plague between the teeth.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
a lot of ~ : 많은 ~
plague: 플라그, 치석
floss: 치실질을 하다; 치실
every area: 모든 부분
remove: 없애다, 제거하다
throw away: 버리다
in your living room: 거실에서
take care of:~을 돌보다; ~에 주의하다[신경을 쓰다]; ~에 대한 책임이 있다; ~을 처리하다
this matter: 이 문제
make you feel better: 기분을 좋게 하다
toothbrush: 양치
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
/si:/와 /siŋ/의 발음을 연습
Can you see the white building?
Do you prefer mountains or the sea?
Does the word start with and 'S' or 'C'?
Flossing keep your teeth clean.
Is the woman singing on the stage your mother?
Your are good at passing the ball.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 치실질은 ~하는 데 도움을 줘요.
Step 1: Flossing helps...
Step 2: 치실질은 치석을 제거하는 데 도움을 줘요.
Step 2: Flossing helps remove plague.
Step 3: 치실질은 치아 사이에 있는 치석을 제거하는 데 도움을 줘요.
Step 3: Flossing helps remove plague between the teeth.
6. 짤막 Tip
치아와 관련된 표현
> cavity: 충치
> I'm afraid I've got a cavity.
(나 충치가 있나 봐.)
> I'm going to get a filling.
(치료를 한 후 비어 있는 공간을 채워 넣을 때)
> I had my tooth capped.
(치아 표현을 씌웠다)
> I wear braces.
(치아 교정을 하고 있다.)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Why should I take care of this matter?
Walking helps make you feel better.
Drinking a lot of water helps help keep your body clean and healthy.
Does the word start with and 'S' or 'C'?
Is the woman singing on the stage your mother?
9. Homework