Easy english - 13.02.07 학습
1. Speaking Drill
I've been looking forward to -ing. : ~하기를 너무나 기다려 왔어.
I've been looking forward to taking tango classes.
I've been looking forward to seeing you.
I've been looking forward to visiting your office.
I've been looking forward to watching this movie with you.
available : 이용할 수 있는, 쓸 수 있는
We have space available in our rumba class.
Are tickets still available?
I'm sorry that this is the only room available.
When you do think you'll be available next week?
Are you into ~? : ~을 좋아하니?
Are you into country music?
Are you into sports?
What are you into these days?
I guess you're really into skiing, aren't you?
2. Model Dialogue
Roy: I've been looking forward to taking tango classes.
Clerk: I'm so sorry but that class is full.
Roy: Oh, please don't tell me that!
Clerk: We have space available in our rumba class.
Roy: (disappointed) I don't know.
Clerk: Wait. Are you into country music?
Roy: Yes?
Clerk: There's a country line dancing class you won't want to miss.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
full: 가득 찬, 꽉 찬
available: 이용할 수 있는, 이용 가능한
miss: 놓치다
take (tango) classes: 강습을 받다, 수업을 듣다
space available: 자리가 있는
these days: 요즘
country line dancing class: 컨트리 라인 댄스반
scale: 체중계
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
/l/로 끝나는 단어의 발음 연습
Can you tell me why?
Oh, I'm really full.
I'm not sure, but I hope they will.
Go straight down the hall.
Is the tree on the top of the hill?
I need a new scale.
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: ~하려고 오랫동안 기다려 왔어.
Step 1: I've been looking forward to...
Step 2: ~를 수강하려고 오랫동안 기다려 왔어.
Step 2: I've been looking forward to taking...
Step 3: 탱고 수업을 수강하려고 오랫동안 기다려 왔어.
Step 3: I've been looking forward to taking tango classes.
6. 짤막 Tip
be into 표현
> '~를 좋아하다, ~에 빠져 있다'라는 뜻
> 영화, 음악, 스포츠, 취미 생활이나 활동을 뒤에 연결해서 사용
> 대상이 사람이 될 수 도 있음
> '누구에게 빠져 있다, 누구를 좋아한다' 라고 할 때 사용
> I'm into him.
> I'm into her.
> 누구를 별로 좋아 하지 않는다면
> I'm not really into him.
> I'm not really into her.
> I'm just not into him.
> I'm just not into her.
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
We have space available in our rumba class.
Are tickets still available?
When you do think you'll be available next week?
Oh, please don't tell me that!
(아, 안돼요!)
I'm so sorry but that class is full.
(정말 죄송하지만, 그 반은 다 찼습니다.)
Oh, I'm really full.
(아, 정말 배부르다.)
Go straight down the hall.
(복도를 따라 죽 가세요.)
9. Homework