Easy english - 13.02.08 학습
1. Speaking Drill
You really miss ~. : 너 진짜 ~가 그립구나.
You really miss having home-cooked meals, huh?
You really miss your ex-boyfriend.
You really miss your mother's warm-hearted simile.
You really miss your hometown and the smell of the atmosphere.
I'm really starting to ~. : 나 정말 ~하려고 해.
I'm really starting to burn out on cafeteria food.
I'm really starting to hate this.
I'm really starting to get angry.
I'm really starting to wonder why you applied for this position.
Let me ~. : 내가 ~할게.
Let me check my planner...
Let me explain it to you.
Let me take you home if you want.
Let me hold the elevator for you.
2. Model Dialogue
Barbara: Any plans for New Year's holiday, Jake?
Jake: I'm heading back home to spend it with my family.
Barbara: You really miss having home-cooked meals, huh?
Jake: Exactly. I'm really starting to burn out on cafeteria food.
Barbara: By the way, do you know what day it is tomorrow?
Jake: Let me check my planner... Oh, it's our 2nd anniversary, right?
Barbara: NO! It's our 3rd anniversary!!
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
New Year's holiday: 설 연휴
head back: 돌아가다
home-cooked: 집에서 만든
burn out: 지치다
anniversary : 기념일
warm-hearted simile: 따뜻한 미소
the smell of the atmosphere: 고향의 냄새
cafeteria food: 식당 음식
get angry: 화나다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
s 다음에 p가 이어질 때의 소리를 연습
Can you spend that much money on your outfit?
I was so shocked that I couldn't speak.
Don't spill the beans.
Oh, I dropped my spoon.
Do you have a spare tire in the trunk?
Is there space for one more person?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 나 정말 ~하려고 해.
Step 1: I'm really starting to...
Step 2: 나 정말이지 ~가 지겨워지려고 해.
Step 2: I'm really starting to burn out on...
Step 3: 나 정말이지 식당 음식이 지겨워지려고 해.
Step 3: I'm really starting to burn out on cafeteria food.
6. 짤막 Tip
burn out 표현
> '어떤 것을 소진시키다, 녹초가 되게 하다, 과열시키다' 라는 뜻
> Are you burn out?
(무척 피곤해 보이는 사람에게 물어 볼 수 있음)
> Too much hard work caused me a burn out.
(너무 고되게 일을 했더니 완전 녹초가 되어 버렸을 경우)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
I'm really starting to wonder why you applied for this position.
Let me hold the elevator for you.
I'm heading back home to spend it with my family.
9. Homework